@Anthony & Kevin, I will clear up what I really should have said in my last post ,as I said I took a man over to you who wanted to update his concrete grinding equipment and you were the man to take him to in my opinion, however I did not go to you for a course or to learn about stone, any conversation I had with Anthony about stone was about products and ideas, not me there on a course and in particular he spoke about a new product which he wanted me not to mention to anyone at the time as it was in early production, which I did not. I guess I was a bit peeved that you mentioned you had me over for a couple of days when I was really there to introduce a possible customer to you but you made it sound like you were saying you had me over training me when that was not the case, if that was the case I would say no problem that I trained with you guys but that's not the case. I hope I didn't offend you in my other post in how I worded it that was not my intention and I hope I made clearer my point.
Yes Anthony I did solve my porcelain problem I had a product made which I now carry in my range of stone restoration products and I can polish porcelain without grinding it once there is no severe scratching.
And I will just add that I enjoyed my two days chatting with you guys and I was well received and made welcome as a fellow stone restorer, I have great respect for the both of you.
That's all I have to say on the subject.
However If you feel you need to discuss this further you can give me call or send a private email and we can chat about it between ourselves.