I've been timing my work recently for a comparison on wfp and trad,
Now obviously Georgian windows and leaded windows etc are a million times faster doing wfp than trad,
On standard windows, I find trad is faster, especially with this new squeegee I'm trialling from 'polz & bladz'. I find it's faster because you don't have to stand about rinsing, and scrubbing as much, with trad it's literally seconds on each window. Quick mop and then blade off, wipe sills, done.
Of course I know most if you will disagree, but I find that by the time you've dragged the hose around plant pots, extended the pole, scrubbed the frames/windows then rinsing off, it's quicker to trad it! This applies to standard windows, as I i said wfp is miles quicker on little square windows etx...