in my defence,its nothing to do with greed,thats the domain of plumbers,and anyway if it was, I'd be driving a posh sign written van,not a beat up old 1994 Audi estate!
I realised long ago that hourly rates are a waste of time,you cant work at your own pace(I'm just an old hippy),counting windows is also pointless,has nothing to do with anything,the ONLY criteria for pricing are ,effort involved and risk factor.
In all the years i've bin a "ragger",more people have said "is that all?"than HOW MUCH!!,when I've given quotes,so I sleep quite easy at night!
Obviously attitudes to pricing have changed slightly,with the advent of WFP,and the risk factor element slightly reduced,but then you've still got to pay for the kit.
Anyway I'm of to join Bomb Disposal then,obviously more money in that.