Thanks for all your kind words so far chaps , means a lot to me,
I do drink yes, too much I suspect , but thats just one of the possible reasons I'm in this position , I have also just been stuck on another med to lower my cholesterol so it also comes to mind that my diet needs looking at , I gave up the tobacco 12 months ago and moved onto the E cigs going well on those , so thats a step in the right direction at least.
As for the stroke its self , what I had was by no means as bad as some get , I didnt have the full monty like you see on the telly with the dropped face and that , but its still a kick when the doc says you've had one , I sort of found myself looking beehind me to see who the doc was talking to , cos it couldn't have been me could it ...........?
What would make my return easier would surely be an SLX eh Alex
I was up until now using the stiff extreme which made my superlites and radius redundant overnight, so as I say , maybe the change from clx to slx is a way to make my life easier right away, not much in it I know , but I do get the feeling that this is where I should start .
Time to get my head down I think
Cheers Rich