Compared to other industries There has been small changes in the last 20yrs but no big game changers.
Look at the printing industry within 3 years half the small companies went under to to printcarrier and European compition.
Mentioning how electronics and engine designs have improved remember mobile QuickTune & prontoTune who used to vist your home and tune your car? that industry died over 5 years due to electronic fuel injection in cars being developed, there used to be at least 5 big franchises now the full industry has gone.
What could really change our industry over the next 20 years?.....
A new fibre that is 100% dirt and soil resistant, were nothing binds to the fibre so eventually any dirt or spill dries and it's residue is vacuumed out of the carpet.
A disease that wipes out the sheep population, no more wool carpets.
How about the goverment passing a law that stops all unsolicited advertising of any kind.
The goverment passes a law gaurenteeing a minimum wages for all workers including self employed people (but also in the spirit of fair play) creates a national table of wages, eg: doctors, teachers, airline pilots get a set amount per hour , then it works down the scale until you hit the bottom where we sit on £8.98/hr
The population becomes 90% Muslim and they only use Muslim cleaners or cleaners who are recommended by their local cleric.
Due to the population become resistant to antibiotics. small infections or desieases that are now easily treated become life threatening, people become more careful about who they come in contact with so won't have strangers in their home..... Or the opposite , due to bugs & infections the population become hygiene freaks and want everything cleaned monthly.
Or the worst !!! The population realises Simon is the only carpet cleaner who knows what he is doing, we all go bust while he has a 15yr waiting list