It's often said, especially by them wot use Cleantalk, that the Jaguar is the most powerful porty on the market - supposedly far above others. It uses 2 x 6.6" lamb motors.
Alltec, and perhaps others, produce triple vac machines.
There is the whole parallel / series issue.
Has anyone actually measured airflow / vacuum produced by different machines? How would you do it? Maybe graph out inches of lift against cfm?
I think we should be told!
You can pretty much predict the performance of a machine using the motor manufactures test data .
That is the airflow when the port or hose is fully open .... and the suction or lift when it is fully closed .
Like u said the series /parallel thing complicates the real performance ... Ashbys had a video showing the best test gantry iv ever seen , they had a lift gauge and a cfm meter attached to the wand with the wand set into the carpet .
They deleted it after the whole airflex thing .... but even if the cfm meter was not accurate , it was equally inacurate accross both sets of motors tested .
Basically it showed their electro motors in series had more airflow in cleaning than parallel 6.6 .... but not much in it really .
Cleantalk .... there is no truth there .