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Marc Stock

Rain Water Harvesting
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:31:53 am »
Has anyone installed a rain water harvesting system for their water fed system?

I have just had the downpipe routed into my IBC tank, and will also be routing the other downpipe from the car port into the tank too.

The water seems slightly cloudy, but the TDS reading is only 25 ppm ( I was expecting like 10 ppm but I remembered yesterday I power washed the tank with tap water and that's at 375ppm). I have tested it through the DI and it comes out clear in the cup. I can only assume the resin is not only de-ionising the water but the resin beads themselves are acting as a trap.

will this make my resin go off quicker with rainwater due to the high turbucility ? or is this negligible?

also any tips?



  • Posts: 8974
Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2014, 04:55:26 pm »
Has anyone installed a rain water harvesting system for their water fed system?

I have just had the downpipe routed into my IBC tank, and will also be routing the other downpipe from the car port into the tank too.

The water seems slightly cloudy, but the TDS reading is only 25 ppm ( I was expecting like 10 ppm but I remembered yesterday I power washed the tank with tap water and that's at 375ppm). I have tested it through the DI and it comes out clear in the cup. I can only assume the resin is not only de-ionising the water but the resin beads themselves are acting as a trap.

will this make my resin go off quicker with rainwater due to the high turbucility ? or is this negligible?

also any tips?


Stick a pair of tights over the downpipe, that'll take the biggest lumps out.
Everything else that goes through your DI should be fine.
You don't want to clog your DI unnecessarily.

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.

Marc Stock

Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2014, 10:42:07 pm »
I went out and put an old scrim flattened out and pushed into the downpipe connection.


  • Posts: 8156
Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2014, 10:48:25 pm »
You can get rain water diverter filter kits gutter mate amongst others
do them...


  • Posts: 20548
Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 09:21:25 am »
Pump it through a sediment filter before DI.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 8156
Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 09:23:17 am »
You can get rain water diverter filter kits gutter mate anumptyst others
do them...

I cant say amongst,,,really!!!


  • Posts: 13
Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 09:40:37 am »
Hi all. I'm not a new member but due to not being able to login on old details had to open up new account.
I'm hoping to collect rainwater and the guttermate will be my choice. It can be ordered with a 800 micron mesh.
Had idea of placing butts at customers houses in a few areas so have a supply pretty much all year.
Thought about paying 2.5 pence per litre for the water they collect or it going to charity but has to be on the proviso that the tds is below 30.
Any advice gratfully received.
 Before you rip me to shreds guys I must confess I'm Gerald the fat knacker.
Good to be back.


  • Posts: 7887
Re: Rain Water Harvesting
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 04:22:01 pm »
Hi all. I'm not a new member but due to not being able to login on old details had to open up new account.
I'm hoping to collect rainwater and the guttermate will be my choice. It can be ordered with a 800 micron mesh.
Had idea of placing butts at customers houses in a few areas so have a supply pretty much all year.
Thought about paying 2.5 pence per litre for the water they collect or it going to charity but has to be on the proviso that the tds is below 30.
Any advice gratfully received.
 Before you rip me to shreds guys I must confess I'm Gerald the fat knacker.
Good to be back.

not so fat these days I hear on facebook .... welcome back Mr Ash