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Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #60 on: November 21, 2014, 05:43:42 am »
I hope a lot more guys go VAT registered. Then sole traders like me will definatley be at least 10% cheaper :-)

What you and all the negative thinkers on here never grasp is that you don't get business by being cheap. Very rarely on domestic work do people get comparative quotes. So you and others can carry on being as cheap as you like, but don't think that by being cheap that you will be taking work from me.

Spot on.

Customers that buy based on price as their major factor in making the decision are the worst customers to have.

It's about "value for money". If customers didn't buy on price we would all be charging double what we do now. This doesn't necessarily mean cheap either. Whatever car you drive, or wherever you shop, ask yourself why you didn't buy the next model up or go shopping at a more expensive supermarket.
What do you charge for a 3 bed modern semi?

Mate do you actually believe that wealthy people don't care about price ? I was cleaning the inside of a multi millionaires
property a few weeks back and guess what they where talking about ?
The price of a full Sky package and was it worth cancelling the sports package when the football season was over.
I guarantee the Merc on the drive was knocked down on the asking price.

How many quotes did your "multi millionaire" get for window cleaning?

Seems to me £20 every two months for a 4 bed semi with conservatory isn't going to break the bank. Most think it's reasonable and don't bother toilet other quotes. I know at least three window cleaners around here that would do the same house for half the price but the customer didn't phone them for a price.

Jeez, what does it take to get some on here to wake up?

£20 is reasonable, I've got a some four bed semis at £45, however, I know I'm not going to get row upon row all next to each other at that price. I get the impression that you think you know something that the rest of us don't? I don't recondition poles either ;D If what you say you are earning is true then it would cost you more in time to recondition a pole than just to replace it with new. I think it might be you who needs to wake up a little!! ;D

It was a mistype. It should have been a modern 3 bed semi. The kind you get on a modern housing development.

As for the recondition thing and time, that is why I asked if anyone offered the service - because it would cost me more in time to do it.  :'(

It would cost you less to just buy new, and lets be honest, on £300+ a day, every day, it aint going to break the bank is it?
Should I do that when my van needs a service too? Buy a new one? Or instead of washing microfibres, buy new ones too? Why don't you just admit that you don't like to see others do well?  ;)

Now you're just being silly. 80k one day, reconditioning an old pole the next- you decide, I'm out!! ;D
Fair enough, but I bought my wife this last week.  ;)

How insecure.
Maybe, but it does get a bit irritating to be virtually called a liar. And across two threads. I think I might take a little break and let the n'er do wells carry on amongst themselves.  :-[

Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2014, 06:56:22 am »
I hope a lot more guys go VAT registered. Then sole traders like me will definatley be at least 10% cheaper :-)

What you and all the negative thinkers on here never grasp is that you don't get business by being cheap. Very rarely on domestic work do people get comparative quotes. So you and others can carry on being as cheap as you like, but don't think that by being cheap that you will be taking work from me.

Spot on.

Customers that buy based on price as their major factor in making the decision are the worst customers to have.

It's about "value for money". If customers didn't buy on price we would all be charging double what we do now. This doesn't necessarily mean cheap either. Whatever car you drive, or wherever you shop, ask yourself why you didn't buy the next model up or go shopping at a more expensive supermarket.
What do you charge for a 3 bed modern semi?

Mate do you actually believe that wealthy people don't care about price ? I was cleaning the inside of a multi millionaires
property a few weeks back and guess what they where talking about ?
The price of a full Sky package and was it worth cancelling the sports package when the football season was over.
I guarantee the Merc on the drive was knocked down on the asking price.

How many quotes did your "multi millionaire" get for window cleaning?

Seems to me £20 every two months for a 4 bed semi with conservatory isn't going to break the bank. Most think it's reasonable and don't bother toilet other quotes. I know at least three window cleaners around here that would do the same house for half the price but the customer didn't phone them for a price.

Jeez, what does it take to get some on here to wake up?

£20 is reasonable, I've got a some four bed semis at £45, however, I know I'm not going to get row upon row all next to each other at that price. I get the impression that you think you know something that the rest of us don't? I don't recondition poles either ;D If what you say you are earning is true then it would cost you more in time to recondition a pole than just to replace it with new. I think it might be you who needs to wake up a little!! ;D

It was a mistype. It should have been a modern 3 bed semi. The kind you get on a modern housing development.

As for the recondition thing and time, that is why I asked if anyone offered the service - because it would cost me more in time to do it.  :'(

It would cost you less to just buy new, and lets be honest, on £300+ a day, every day, it aint going to break the bank is it?
Should I do that when my van needs a service too? Buy a new one? Or instead of washing microfibres, buy new ones too? Why don't you just admit that you don't like to see others do well?  ;)

Now you're just being silly. 80k one day, reconditioning an old pole the next- you decide, I'm out!! ;D
Fair enough, but I bought my wife this last week.  ;)

How insecure.
Maybe, but it does get a bit irritating to be virtually called a liar. And across two threads. I think I might take a little break and let the n'er do wells carry on anumptyst themselves.  :-[

anumptyst  ;D


Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2014, 07:33:10 am »
8 weekly has based his whole success on the fact that he got £20 for a 4 bed detached with conservatory
when a guy told him he couldn't get more than a fiver for it.
So now if you don't agree with his boasting your that guy, even though most of us would realise that if a guy comes
out with something like that he's either a busy fool or more than likely just trying to put you off the area.
I don't believe anybody who boasts about very high earnings or turnover when their facts just don't add up, but I
would class them more as delusional ( Walter Mitty )  than a liar.


Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #63 on: November 21, 2014, 08:15:31 am »
8 weekly has based his whole success on the fact that he got £20 for a 4 bed detached with conservatory
when a guy told him he couldn't get more than a fiver for it.
So now if you don't agree with his boasting your that guy, even though most of us would realise that if a guy comes
out with something like that he's either a busy fool or more than likely just trying to put you off the area.
I don't believe anybody who boasts about very high earnings or turnover when their facts just don't add up, but I
would class them more as delusional ( Walter Mitty )  than a liar.

I've been on here nearly ten years mate & seen 'em all ;D


  • Posts: 4261
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #64 on: November 21, 2014, 08:43:35 am »
i think 80k is acheiveable on your own if your work is priced very well, and quite compact

if you work the odd weekend also

i think im sort of on about 71k at the minute and i could prob manage that on my own, hard to say as ive had an emloyee for last 9 weeks or so but hes been sacked now and all the first cleans are out the way and back up to my standard

im finding it surprisingly easy hitting the targets and ive only been working 9-4ish

ive got a new lad starting on monday, because i prefer to not work hell for leather and enjoy taking bit of time out nowadays, but if ireally wanted to i think i could manage 80k on my own once i introduce price increase i wouldnt be far off

do i want to do 80k on my own no not for me work to live or live to work
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct

Window Lickers

  • Posts: 2196
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #65 on: November 21, 2014, 09:23:47 am »
That all went well didn't it ? !!  ;D

Liberace's ex looking to meet well built men for cottaging meets.

Window Lickers

  • Posts: 2196
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #66 on: November 21, 2014, 09:27:50 am »
80K as a sole trader?

For me that would require a commitment - im not into commitments of this nature thanks.

Liberace's ex looking to meet well built men for cottaging meets.

Dave Willis

Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #67 on: November 21, 2014, 12:07:21 pm »
Richy, your posts are so funny.

Mick Kent

  • Posts: 1380
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #68 on: November 21, 2014, 12:09:49 pm »
i think 80k is acheiveable on your own if your work is priced very well, and quite compact

if you work the odd weekend also

i think im sort of on about 71k at the minute and i could prob manage that on my own, hard to say as ive had an emloyee for last 9 weeks or so but hes been sacked now and all the first cleans are out the way and back up to my standard

im finding it surprisingly easy hitting the targets and ive only been working 9-4ish

ive got a new lad starting on monday, because i prefer to not work hell for leather and enjoy taking bit of time out nowadays, but if ireally wanted to i think i could manage 80k on my own once i introduce price increase i wouldnt be far off

do i want to do 80k on my own no not for me work to live or live to work

Lol. Always game for a laugh. :-)


  • Posts: 4261
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #69 on: November 21, 2014, 12:23:05 pm »
80K as a sole trader?

For me that would require a commitment - im not into commitments of this nature thanks.

thats what im saying its achievable but itd be a bloody big commitment, and your round would have to be pretty well established, refined, prices all very good and compact enough, im sure prices down south it would be easy enough to reach that amount bit harder up north but if you had the right setup more than enuf water to last good high flow rate of water, maybe not have to invoice customers thru the door
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


  • Posts: 3547
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #70 on: November 21, 2014, 04:59:15 pm »
i think im sort of on about 71k at the minute

You think you sort of are?



  • Posts: 23862
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #71 on: November 21, 2014, 05:41:50 pm »
i think im sort of on about 71k at the minute

You think you sort of are?


YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO BUY YOUR OWN HOUSE SOON RICHY AND MOVE OUT OF YOUR MUMS!and you charge your mum for cleaning her windows?you should be ashamed of yourself matey.
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 4261
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #72 on: November 21, 2014, 06:00:00 pm »
Mum and dad are buying me a house at min just in closed bids for a repossessed house, not sure why peoe are laughing when I say about 71 k I've just started back up and going off projected turnover off cLeaner planner plus add one etc that I do and more customers I pick up then price increase in january
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct

Mick Kent

  • Posts: 1380
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #73 on: November 21, 2014, 06:02:25 pm »
I might goto prison for being a loser drug dealer! If it means my mum and dad will buy me a house knowing i earn over 70k a year happy days.
You have it made richy.. Well done

Bob Stones

  • Posts: 32
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #74 on: November 21, 2014, 06:13:29 pm »

i think im sort of on about 71k at the minute and i could prob manage that on my own

Is this Window cleaning ? or have you included selling a few gram's down the boozer in this 71 K ?


  • Posts: 4261
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #75 on: November 21, 2014, 06:16:41 pm »
Just to clarify for you mick my mum and dad are buying it as an investment to downsize into eventually but buying it for me for the foreseeable future where I pay small amount too them every month

No I'm prob gonna turnover 71 k without selling drugs sorry to dissapoint
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #76 on: November 21, 2014, 06:17:21 pm »

i think im sort of on about 71k at the minute and i could prob manage that on my own

Is this Window cleaning ? or have you included selling a few gram's down the boozer in this 71 K ?

 ;D ;D ;D

Dave Willis

Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #77 on: November 21, 2014, 06:27:10 pm »
Just to clarify for you mick my mum and dad are buying it as an investment to downsize into eventually but buying it for me for the foreseeable future where I pay small amount too them every month

No I'm prob gonna turnover 71 k without selling drugs sorry to dissapoint

Richy, aren't you mid thirties now?

Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #78 on: November 21, 2014, 06:39:06 pm »
Just to clarify for you mick my mum and dad are buying it as an investment to downsize into eventually but buying it for me for the foreseeable future where I pay small amount too them every month

No I'm prob gonna turnover 71 k without selling drugs sorry to dissapoint

Its called renting  ::)roll

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Re: Those who are mostly domestic that registered for VAT
« Reply #79 on: November 21, 2014, 06:41:31 pm »
Go to school kids and get an education...
Don't do drugs and learn from your mistakes
Things dont get handed to you in life so work hard...

But dad, richywilts doesn't do any of these things and look at him!

Yeah, fair point, do what you like...

No offence richy, but after what you say you're turning over and what you've put your mum and dad through, i dont think i could carry on scrounging, purely out of guilt...

If you're turning over 71k i'm pretty sure you could at least rent a place and stop letting your mum and dad wipe your ar5e

Good luck mate
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?