I'm considering my options - either buy:- a doff/thermatech NEW £7k- good hot washer (21lpm diesel) NEW £4k- Falch USED £7kat the moment I have 2x GX390 21lpl petrol and a (15lpm)hot box that isnt set up as I have upgraded my machines, but not the hot box.Basically I want to invest a bit into the business, but can't decide which way to go.
I'm considering my options - either buy:- a doff/thermatech NEW £7k- good hot washer (21lpm diesel) NEW £4k- Falch USED £7kat the moment I have 2x GX390 21lpl petrol and a (15lpm)hot box that isnt set up as I have upgraded my machines, but not the hot box.Basically I want to invest a bit into the business, but can't decide which way to go.Rich, if you do sell the hotbox give me a shout plz, thx jon
Buy Two 21 litre hot boxes to go with your two pressure washers. If one part breaks down you have a spare you can carry on working.You can run two independant 21 lpm hot setups, A 21lpm hot box and a 5hp p/w will strip paint.You can run two hot boxes (one pressure washer) in series to get steam .You are highly still highly mobile for domestic jobs.You have more than enough power/heat for commercial jobs.You won't have to spend a fortune and you have more options available to yourself.A Therma tech is too specialised to own...hire one if you need it. Jaime is sensible with the cost of hiring.Flow and pressure is not everything...as you know. There are many ways to clean things.