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Choice of1. "Happy Easter."2. "Hope you die. Slowly."3. "Wishing you every happiness over Christmas and the New Year and wishing you every joy through next year, fertility and all your money wishes to be resolved now and forever, your family to be happy and successful along with all your friends and acquaintances."4. "I don't like you; this is a thinly veiled request for a tip"5. "Merry Christmas".Vin
No still don't understand, I must be thick
25 quid (don't know what cards cost in UK) for cards, plus any postage, to give the impression,(as Vin says) like your begging for a tip. er, nah. I'll leave it thanks. They're customers, not my friends. If they don't pay, they become enemies, so a card at Christmas is a bit over the top for me. Think I only send about 5 cards to anyone at all. Bah Humbug etc.