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  • Posts: 9024
Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2014, 09:38:04 pm »
Don-key as a mobile recycle van,well it is a ford transit ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I've only got 45k on mine, you've got double that you cheeky git  >:(

but i aint a dust bin on wheels
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

True, you still got that 650 tank in the back of your horse and cart?
4 leg drive that horse  8) 8) 8) 8) loads of horse power unlike a ford

Bay View WCS

  • Posts: 297
Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2014, 06:37:44 pm »
Winds me up no end our local tip/recycling centre. Up until recently I only had the van for transport and after a house move I turned up with loads of bin bags and other household stuff I wanted rid of.  - "OH NO" was the comment "you need a permit to use the tip in a van".  Now I can understand that this place isn't there for local tradesmen to dump all their business waste (such as builders rubble, roof tiles and the like), but he could clearly see that my 'Window Cleaning Van' only contained household stuff.

I think the trouble is that they have no ability to see sense ("it's a van so it must be business waste" kind of thing).  When did this happen where they could no longer use good old common sense and the brains they were born with.  I just get blank stares back when I ask them to think how difficult it is just because I only have a van for transport (at this place you are not even allowed to park round the corner and walk in with stuff!!!.

As above I have been so annoyed about it in the past I have just parked up and unloaded all my old stuff and completely ignored their protestations about 'needing a permit' telling them to report me and I would do the same about their complete lack of intelligence and ability to use their noggin.

I firmly believe that a large percentage of Council Workers would lose their jobs very quickly if they had to work in the private sector.

Rant over (for now)

See what you've done to me - only came here for a relaxing read

Cheers, Tom


  • Posts: 424
Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2014, 07:03:49 pm »
my ex wife's husband works at our local tip, he makes a fortune selling stuff on ebay and bootsales

T & J Window Cleaning services

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2014, 07:19:19 pm »
Winds me up no end our local tip/recycling centre. Up until recently I only had the van for transport and after a house move I turned up with loads of bin bags and other household stuff I wanted rid of.  - "OH NO" was the comment "you need a permit to use the tip in a van".  Now I can understand that this place isn't there for local tradesmen to dump all their business waste (such as builders rubble, roof tiles and the like), but he could clearly see that my 'Window Cleaning Van' only contained household stuff.

I think the trouble is that they have no ability to see sense ("it's a van so it must be business waste" kind of thing).  When did this happen where they could no longer use good old common sense and the brains they were born with.  I just get blank stares back when I ask them to think how difficult it is just because I only have a van for transport (at this place you are not even allowed to park round the corner and walk in with stuff!!!.

As above I have been so annoyed about it in the past I have just parked up and unloaded all my old stuff and completely ignored their protestations about 'needing a permit' telling them to report me and I would do the same about their complete lack of intelligence and ability to use their noggin.

I firmly believe that a large percentage of Council Workers would lose their jobs very quickly if they had to work in the private sector.

Rant over (for now)

See what you've done to me - only came here for a relaxing read

Cheers, Tom

 ;D ;D
No still don't understand, I must be thick

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2014, 07:25:18 pm »
Once I had a bit of a run in with our local tip. At the time I owned a Fiesta van and an identical shaped hatchback with seats. I took my bags of household waste in the van.

Mr Jobsworth tells me I can't come in with the van. My protestation of 'it's my personal household rubbish' fell on deaf ears. So I explained that I had a near identical vehicle at home, so I asked if he was saying that if I go back home, transfer the bags into my other vehicle and return, they would accept the bags?' He then got the point and allowed me to dump the bags from the van 'this time only'.

Sheesh, no wonder they had a problem with fly tipping problem there.

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2014, 07:39:03 pm »
Winds me up no end our local tip/recycling centre. Up until recently I only had the van for transport and after a house move I turned up with loads of bin bags and other household stuff I wanted rid of.  - "OH NO" was the comment "you need a permit to use the tip in a van".  Now I can understand that this place isn't there for local tradesmen to dump all their business waste (such as builders rubble, roof tiles and the like), but he could clearly see that my 'Window Cleaning Van' only contained household stuff.

I think the trouble is that they have no ability to see sense ("it's a van so it must be business waste" kind of thing).  When did this happen where they could no longer use good old common sense and the brains they were born with.  I just get blank stares back when I ask them to think how difficult it is just because I only have a van for transport (at this place you are not even allowed to park round the corner and walk in with stuff!!!.

As above I have been so annoyed about it in the past I have just parked up and unloaded all my old stuff and completely ignored their protestations about 'needing a permit' telling them to report me and I would do the same about their complete lack of intelligence and ability to use their noggin.

I firmly believe that a large percentage of Council Workers would lose their jobs very quickly if they had to work in the private sector.

Rant over (for now)

See what you've done to me - only came here for a relaxing read

Cheers, Tom

If you had some little Hitler as a boss telling you not to let vans in would you let them in ? I don't think so.
These guys are only keeping themselves right, they don't make the stupid rules but have to take all the flack from the public.
To be honest I think a lot of the guys at the top only bring these rules out to make things harder for the guys below them.


  • Posts: 26017
Re: Row at the Council Tip
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2014, 09:12:25 pm »
Just got back from the tip  >:(

With my rubbish I had a roll of thermobore wound onto an old wooden spool. I asked which skip it should go in.
"you use that for window cleaning don't you?"

err no ... it's my old garden hose

"but it's thin, I know you use it for window cleaning"

err no ... I recycle so when it was no longer any use as a window cleaning hose I patched it up and used it as a garden hose; now it is too worn even for that and so it is now my garden hose soon to become my thrown away garden hose.

"well you can't dump that here - it's commercial waste!"
what would you like me to do then - chuck it in a layby?
" it's commercial waste - you need a licence"
At this point a guy in the next car sees it "that's ok mate I'll take that for the school - they can use it for watering their garden.
"not in here you can't - you're not allowed to give him that on this property"

Jesus  ::)roll

In the end the guy in the car said to chuck it outside the entrance and he'd pick it up.

It's a game of three halves!