Hi guys
There are a lot of vacs out there and combinations to use, as with anything in this industry.
But Gpippa vac is the choice I would make as Oliver is using Alex's modular poles with a few little tweaks, the poles work great, blockage is a minimum despite the slightly smaller id mm, as carbon is very smooth internally. (Also I think it's space vac or something similar had a clever idea in having there modular poles inter lock so no twist) maybe another choice
Alex also sent me some proto types for lightweight attachments for me to dem which move the goal posts again because you have no weight at the top of the pole, and that's your biggest problem to deal with in gutter cleaning, plus no clamping they just slide inside with no twisting
The vac I suggegested to Oliver should be the smaller twin neumatic on residential as it quickly turns into a bucket for easy emptying,it has cyclonic entry which is a MUST in gutter vacs and the power of suction is exactly the same as the larger model
Finally don't be fooled by the size of motors on vacs, the DESIGN of a vac is the most important thing to consider, as a small motor designed well, can easily out perform a high powered badly designed vac, with better airflow, and slightly more important in gutter clearance better water lift.