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  • Posts: 5572
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #80 on: October 27, 2014, 11:24:56 am »
no its okay I am aware of that,

I was just wondering why someone would say they 'dont sell many' but do not have the evidence to back it up.

john martin

  • Posts: 2699
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #81 on: October 31, 2014, 06:02:41 pm »
 Stumbled upon ...  this looks like good value for the colloid plant detergent stuff ?  £19.75 for 5liters .

Says 160-1 for carpet general  .
Looking at the suppliers site they seem to recommend stronger concentrations for carpet spotting , traffic lane etc  which would seem at odds with some of the recent explanations on dilution ... like '  it contains thousands of little policeman that need space to wave their truncheons '  is likely to be a pretty naive understanding .

The main supplier ' enviorsan ' states that it suppliers distributors like the above with 20x concentrate which they then dilute for sale . Wonder if thats the same supplier for the other uk sellers ... anyway similar im sure . But what a waste the whole dilution process is ... and adds to the carbon footprint of this so called eco product .  Why not just sell direct the 20x in one liters ... or even get the suppliers to sell is so . Putting in big cans and adding water is done purely for the middleman ?  or is they more perceived valve in a big can ?  no benefit for end user i can see ... only extra courier costs etc .
Probably the same story with other products also .

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #82 on: October 31, 2014, 10:47:27 pm »
John I see they also sell Nemisis

Tadgh O Shea

Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #83 on: November 01, 2014, 12:07:51 am »
John I see they also sell Nemisis
Hi Paul, i see you are taking great interest in colloidal micelles technology, we discovered this technology 12 years ago and have never looked back, our safe cleaning solutions are manufactured by the worlds foremost producer of colloidal micelles technology and they have over 30 years knowledge and experience in producing one of this centuries most promising advances in environmental science, even though we are now looking at a new technology which is supposed to be safer and more effective as we are lead to believe but we will wait to see how all the testing goes, there are more and more janitorial suppliers introducing micelle technology into the UK and Ireland so there must be a reason for this. from my experience i would recommend anyone to be open minded and check out the many features and benefits of micelle technology.

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #84 on: November 01, 2014, 09:05:02 am »
Tadgh, I take an interest in all cleaning technology and looked into these some years ago, believe it or not they have been going since the 50 s and where first developed for oil spilage out at sea.
I think it was Solution UK that started them off first in our industry with their m power.

I have never got great results with them and find them too hit and miss and too slow to work with.
I have been making my own formulas of prespray for some time now and find surfactants with a number of different boosters and colour enhancers to be the quickest for breaking down soil and stains with least effort  8)


  • Posts: 1292
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #85 on: November 01, 2014, 09:06:15 am »
John - i found that site also but i cant see any mention of carpet - what page is it on?

Tadgh O Shea

Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #86 on: November 01, 2014, 11:07:18 am »
Tadgh, I take an interest in all cleaning technology and looked into these some years ago, believe it or not they have been going since the 50 s and where first developed for oil spilage out at sea.
I think it was Solution UK that started them off first in our industry with their m power.

I have never got great results with them and find them too hit and miss and too slow to work with.
I have been making my own formulas of prespray for some time now and find surfactants with a number of different boosters and colour enhancers to be the quickest for breaking down soil and stains with least effort  8)
Hi Paul, yes you are right the technology was first developed for oil spill recovery and came to the market in the early 70's, i know Nick wont mind me saying i was promoting micelles before he was as he knows this, but from being involved in promoting this technology now for over 12 years there are now many different suppliers especially in the UK and i think people may be surprised with the technology today as like all technologies quality and performance improve over the years.

john martin

  • Posts: 2699
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #87 on: November 01, 2014, 11:47:20 am »
John - i found that site also but i cant see any mention of carpet - what page is it on?

It is mentioned on the main supplier / manufacturers site .

Here (  this is 10x concentration) sample .

also mentioned here ...

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #88 on: November 01, 2014, 12:16:32 pm »
Carpet cleaner dilute 1 to 1600  :o get a small syringe  ;D

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #89 on: November 01, 2014, 12:23:15 pm »
Tadgh, I take an interest in all cleaning technology and looked into these some years ago, believe it or not they have been going since the 50 s and where first developed for oil spilage out at sea.
I think it was Solution UK that started them off first in our industry with their m power.

I have never got great results with them and find them too hit and miss and too slow to work with.
I have been making my own formulas of prespray for some time now and find surfactants with a number of different boosters and colour enhancers to be the quickest for breaking down soil and stains with least effort  8)
Hi Paul, yes you are right the technology was first developed for oil spill recovery and came to the market in the early 70's, i know Nick wont mind me saying i was promoting micelles before he was as he knows this, but from being involved in promoting this technology now for over 12 years there are now many different suppliers especially in the UK and i think people may be surprised with the technology today as like all technologies quality and performance improve over the years.

I remember Nick making a few trips over to Ireland about 10 years ago, it must of been you he went to see then. It was also Nick who introduced in the melimine sponges to me back then, did he also get them from you as I think it was a after an Irish trip he got them.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #90 on: November 01, 2014, 01:08:47 pm »
Years ago I used to tell a BS story about colliod cleaners being invented for the exon Valdez accident in Alaska, the detergent they charity agencies were using to clean the infected birds was too toxic and was killing more than they saved, so they needed a safer more environmentally safe cleaning agent .... So colliodal technology was adapted to solve the problem.

Now it's being touted that micelles cleaners were invented to deal with oil spillage, this is a bit close to the crap I made up, can someone put up a link to prove the oil spillage theory ?

Cos I think it's just one of these ideas that is said so much, by so many that it becomes 'true'
Mike Halliday.

Tadgh O Shea

Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #91 on: November 01, 2014, 01:09:31 pm »
Tadgh, I take an interest in all cleaning technology and looked into these some years ago, believe it or not they have been going since the 50 s and where first developed for oil spilage out at sea.
I think it was Solution UK that started them off first in our industry with their m power.

I have never got great results with them and find them too hit and miss and too slow to work with.
I have been making my own formulas of prespray for some time now and find surfactants with a number of different boosters and colour enhancers to be the quickest for breaking down soil and stains with least effort  8)
Hi Paul, yes you are right the technology was first developed for oil spill recovery and came to the market in the early 70's, i know Nick wont mind me saying i was promoting micelles before he was as he knows this, but from being involved in promoting this technology now for over 12 years there are now many different suppliers especially in the UK and i think people may be surprised with the technology today as like all technologies quality and performance improve over the years.

I remember Nick making a few trips over to Ireland about 10 years ago, it must of been you he went to see then. It was also Nick who introduced in the melimine sponges to me back then, did he also get them from you as I think it was a after an Irish trip he got them.
Yes Paul you are on the ball, it would of been over 10 years ago when i was working with a different company.

Tadgh O Shea

Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #92 on: November 01, 2014, 01:13:36 pm »
Years ago I used to tell a BS story about colliod cleaners being invented for the exon Valdez accident in Alaska, the detergent they charity agencies were using to clean the infected birds was too toxic and was killing more than they saved, so they needed a safer more environmentally safe cleaning agent .... So colliodal technology was adapted to solve the problem.

Now it's being touted that micelles cleaners were invented to deal with oil spillage, this is a bit close to the crap I made up, can someone put up a link to prove the oil spillage theory ?

Cos I think it's just one of these ideas that is said so much, by so many that it becomes 'true'
Hi Mike, if you google    colloidal micelles technology you will find plenty of information on where it all began.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #93 on: November 01, 2014, 01:22:32 pm »
Just googled it lots of info,  this was a good site...

But I actually asked about the 'developed for oil spillage clean up' theory not how they work
Mike Halliday.

Tadgh O Shea

Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #94 on: November 01, 2014, 02:04:34 pm »
Just googled it lots of info,  this was a good site...

But I actually asked about the 'developed for oil spillage clean up' theory not how they work
Hi Mike, colloid chemistry is one of the most promising scientific areas of our century, i am not trying to be smart here but if you keep searching the web you will find a wealth of information on the technology and also how it came to prominence in the early 70's for oil spill recovery.


  • Posts: 1292
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #95 on: November 01, 2014, 02:05:39 pm »
thanks for that John and looking at their dilution rates its a myth it has to be made up at a dilution of 160 to work - they mix it much stronger for other applications including spotting so it does work without having all that water to move in


  • Posts: 1292
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #96 on: November 01, 2014, 02:07:28 pm »
Mike -

first one i found, didnt read it all but looks like micelles is indeed used for oil recovery

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #97 on: November 01, 2014, 04:03:19 pm »
Tadgh, I take an interest in all cleaning technology and looked into these some years ago, believe it or not they have been going since the 50 s and where first developed for oil spilage out at sea.
I think it was Solution UK that started them off first in our industry with their m power.

I have never got great results with them and find them too hit and miss and too slow to work with.
I have been making my own formulas of prespray for some time now and find surfactants with a number of different boosters and colour enhancers to be the quickest for breaking down soil and stains with least effort  8)
Hi Paul, yes you are right the technology was first developed for oil spill recovery and came to the market in the early 70's, i know Nick wont mind me saying i was promoting micelles before he was as he knows this, but from being involved in promoting this technology now for over 12 years there are now many different suppliers especially in the UK and i think people may be surprised with the technology today as like all technologies quality and performance improve over the years.

I remember Nick making a few trips over to Ireland about 10 years ago, it must of been you he went to see then. It was also Nick who introduced in the melimine sponges to me back then, did he also get them from you as I think it was a after an Irish trip he got them.
Yes Paul you are on the ball, it would of been over 10 years ago when i was working with a different company.

mark shannon

  • Posts: 961
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #98 on: November 01, 2014, 04:30:45 pm »
No idea if its BS as I wont pretend to understand a word.

David Ware

  • Posts: 300
Re: is M Power unique
« Reply #99 on: November 01, 2014, 05:34:25 pm »
I put some neat M power on a diesel spill after a little accident that I had, brushed in and washed with hose pipe came up fine. Normally find it hit/miss on synthetics