I got this off Kev Loomes, I think it originated from Nigel at Design Care in London.
This vehicle has a category of "vehicle"/ "van".
We must abide by the highway code to the letter (please note "to the letter")
This machine is classed as "equipment" & as such is not classified separately with the DVLA. For a mounted machine this means that the equipment is bolted down or run from the "vehicle".
However, when we turn this VAN ENGINE OFF, hook up our "equipment" & run from the "vehicle" this "vehicle" stops being classed as a "vehicle" & instead is classed as "EQUIPMENT" & so long as we are not causing an obstruction or dangerously parked then we may run the "equipment" when on double yellows, parking controlled zones etc.
Also, please note the Highway code’s definition of all road markings, sign posts & street furniture. It explains what a double yellow line is & shows a picture. It explains a legal disabled bay, parking zone, speed limit & even states how high a parking zone notice must be.
So if what you see does not keep in line with the Highway code’s definition, it is NOT VALID so if you issue a ticket, IT IS NOT ENFORCABLE.
stuck it in my windscreen, and never had a ticket