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Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2014, 07:23:00 pm »

 Hi Sean,
 thanks for your reply and advice about pricing appreciated, do you take the gutter rubbish away and dispose
 of it or do you put it in the customers recycling bin.


I prefer to take it away but you could put it in a customers recycling bin.
To be honest at times there wouldn't be a lot of stuff in the gutters so if the customers were to see this they might
feel a bit ripped off.
There a recycling rubbish disposal station near me and I dump it in there, it doesn't cost nothing as long as I don't
go in my work van.


  • Posts: 6100
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2014, 08:04:25 pm »
Terry at JETMAC systems in ports down will sort you out a power pole etc. I always clean fascias with pressure washer and power pole. It's 4 times quicker and the results are also better. It's worth the investment as it makes life easier and more profitable!

........and you can cover the next door neighbours property in water spray and muck as well.
Whether they like it or not.  ;D

It's rare I use my pressure washer and extending lance for cleaning F/S/G's but I have done it on detached properties.
You really have to be mindful of NOT spraying the neighbouring properties, which on a windy day is not always easy.
It does a decent enough job and is easier on the arms, but on stubborn grime I find you still have to scrub a bit with the wfp brush.

One of the Plebs


Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2014, 08:35:58 pm »
Have just watched a video on youtube, the guy sprayed a chemical cleaner onto the gutters
and then washed them using the customers tap water.
Not joking he hardly touched the gutters with the brush and the dirt just melted away I think he used Virosol.
Definitely looked a lot handier than a power washer.
Have a look its fascia cleaning by Mark Munro. Don't know if he's on here or not.


  • Posts: 430
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2014, 09:04:42 pm »
Don't forget there is (should be by law) some sort of ventilation in fascias and soffits. It may be a grid built into the soffit but it can also be at the top of the fascia board where it can't be seen. Either way pressure washers are not really suitable unless you want large puddles of water in your roof space.

Mr T

  • Posts: 214
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2014, 11:50:12 pm »
Hi J.D what system did you get for doing the facias/gutters. Was looking on jet mac website there's a lot to choose from.



Steven Biggs

  • Posts: 1350
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2014, 11:57:07 pm »
Saturday is a good day for gutter clearing, there's always a few neighbours at home who
hear the gutter vac going and come out looking a price.
Iv seen days where I find it hard getting home as most of the street ask for a clean.
The only problem you will find with the gutter vac is some that of the gutters wont have the space to let the nozzle
in and some of the smaller nozzles that fit don't pick up the dirt that well.
The roof tiles sit out too far.
Iv priced a few, arranged a time but when I turned up couldn't clean them as I don't carry ladders, makes you look like
a right fool. Simple you need to put the price of your window cleaning up :-[
I also clean using the customers power only, I couldn't get the prices to make running and maintaining a
generator worthwhile.
So it might be worthwhile to put a few feelers out just to see what sort of prices you can get before investing in
too much equipment.
I still can make a lot more cleaning gutters in a day than on the glass so it is worth thinking about.
Simple you need to put your window prices up :P


Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2014, 07:57:02 am »
Saturday is a good day for gutter clearing, there's always a few neighbours at home who
hear the gutter vac going and come out looking a price.
Iv seen days where I find it hard getting home as most of the street ask for a clean.
The only problem you will find with the gutter vac is some that of the gutters wont have the space to let the nozzle
in and some of the smaller nozzles that fit don't pick up the dirt that well.
The roof tiles sit out too far.
Iv priced a few, arranged a time but when I turned up couldn't clean them as I don't carry ladders, makes you look like
a right fool. Simple you need to put the price of your window cleaning up :-[
I also clean using the customers power only, I couldn't get the prices to make running and maintaining a
generator worthwhile.
So it might be worthwhile to put a few feelers out just to see what sort of prices you can get before investing in
too much equipment.
I still can make a lot more cleaning gutters in a day than on the glass so it is worth thinking about.
Simple you need to put your window prices up :P

If its my window cleaning prices you mean then I would need to double them, I don't think my customers
would take this very well as I do charge a higher than most in the area price.
If it gutter cleaning prices your talking about, Yes I tried to get higher prices at the start but found I was out
pricing myself.
So by not running a generator I could lower the price and make it more affordable which made me able to compete
with the local ladder guys and still give me enough to make it worthwhile.

robert mitchell

  • Posts: 1992
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2014, 04:20:10 pm »
my generater cost me £85 secondhand off ebay and costs pennies to run

The man who never made a mistake never made anything.


  • Posts: 636
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2014, 07:05:28 pm »
Terry at JETMAC systems in ports down will sort you out a power pole etc. I always clean fascias with pressure washer and power pole. It's 4 times quicker and the results are also better. It's worth the investment as it makes life easier and more profitable!
Power pole? If you mean a telescopic lance I wouldn't waste your money. If your working WFP you already have the best equipment for the job. When I pressure clean a roof I will clean the fascia of any dormer with the lance and believe me it's not as good as using a brush to clean it. When I drove HGV's I had the cleanest motor because nobody could be bothered using a brush between pressure washing. The telescopic lance is more for façades.
I've used both and the lance is way better ! If you prefer to work harder and longer for the same money then that's up to you I guess.


  • Posts: 636
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2014, 07:08:25 pm »
Terry at JETMAC systems in ports down will sort you out a power pole etc. I always clean fascias with pressure washer and power pole. It's 4 times quicker and the results are also better. It's worth the investment as it makes life easier and more profitable!

........and you can cover the next door neighbours property in water spray and muck as well.
Whether they like it or not.  ;D

It's rare I use my pressure washer and extending lance for cleaning F/S/G's but I have done it on detached properties.
You really have to be mindful of NOT spraying the neighbouring properties, which on a windy day is not always easy.
It does a decent enough job and is easier on the arms, but on stubborn grime I find you still have to scrub a bit with the wfp brush.

I suppose if your a real buffoon then that may happen but I haven't come across it yet.


  • Posts: 636
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2014, 07:09:42 pm »
Hi J.D what system did you get for doing the facias/gutters. Was looking on jet mac website there's a lot to choose from.


I use a power pole / lance and a loncin 3600psi pressure washer. Both from jetmac systems

Mr T

  • Posts: 214
Re: jet-washing fascias soffits
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2014, 07:51:12 pm »
Hi J.D thanks for reply. Do you run the power washer from your tank or from customers tap?

