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Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2014, 07:19:16 am »
Do you really think a local window cleaning suppliers would help you out ? buy you a new van and kit ?

if you do, then you really should not be allowed out of the house

They might not do it to "help you out" but if they sold an illegal or dangerous boiler you'd be able to sue for the resulting damages.  Basic tort law.


They would show they did a basic  test  and the unit was fine when they sold it

Do Not kid yourself that you would have some follow up

They can tell you what they want and then tell the judge the same but the fact is if they have sole you an illegal
or dangerous boiler then they are liable.
We are talking about what would happen in the event of an accident caused by the boiler, not about trying to get your money back if it doesn't work.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2014, 08:12:56 am »
Do you really think a local window cleaning suppliers would help you out ? buy you a new van and kit ?

if you do, then you really should not be allowed out of the house

They might not do it to "help you out" but if they sold an illegal or dangerous boiler you'd be able to sue for the resulting damages.  Basic tort law.


They would show they did a basic  test  and the unit was fine when they sold it

Do Not kid yourself that you would have some follow up

Remember the context of the thread, namely buying from Hong Kong.

If you bought a faulty boiler today and it blew a hole in the side of your van tomorrow, would you have more chance of suing someone for the damages if they were based in (a) Hong Kong or (b) Britain?

If you think they are the same, "then you really should not be allowed out of the house".


G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2014, 08:28:22 am »
I ordered one heater from Spain.
She's great.

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2014, 09:42:33 am »
I've used quite a few different heaters & I'm convinced the majority of them came out of the same factory in china. They're as far from precision engineering as you can get - cobbled together from low quality parts and "self certified" with a CE mark which means absolutely nothing.

That said  - they're cheap and they do the job,.. for instant heat they're the most practical solution.

If i was setting up a new system, I wouldn't be buying another gas heater though - - insurance is getting stricter about this kind of thing, and there is always a small chance of fire (Lets face it - very few of you will get a professional gas fitter to install it),.. so I'd personally go down the route of insulating my tank & installing an immersion heater.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178


  • Posts: 1507
Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2014, 06:23:01 pm »
hi Nathanael we can let them argue about the legal side of things lol, i was thinking about going down the immersion route after seeing mark m youtube diy element he put in and then making some sort of a cover for the tank but i'd like the hot water for first cleans fascias etc from what ive read with it helping to make the job easier, £91 is the cheapest ive been offered for an hong kong stainless special.
can anyone beat this?

Bob Stones

  • Posts: 32
Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2014, 07:58:09 pm »
Do you really think a local window cleaning suppliers would help you out ? buy you a new van and kit ?

if you do, then you really should not be allowed out of the house

They might not do it to "help you out" but if they sold an illegal or dangerous boiler you'd be able to sue for the resulting damages.  Basic tort law.


They would show they did a basic  test  and the unit was fine when they sold it

Do Not kid yourself that you would have some follow up

Remember the context of the thread, namely buying from Hong Kong.

If you bought a faulty boiler today and it blew a hole in the side of your van tomorrow, would you have more chance of suing someone for the damages if they were based in (a) Hong Kong or (b) Britain?

If you think they are the same, "then you really should not be allowed out of the house".


So you will sue someone for damages ?

yes you will stand more chance of a company in Britain, but it will still be a very small chance of success, they will say it was tested and worked fine when sold, end of case

Andy A

  • Posts: 4042
Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2014, 09:51:26 am »
I buy a bit in from Hong Kong, although not heaters, but you can bet that if they're selling direct to the UK they, or their supplier is filling containers and selling to wholesalers here anyway, so if its CE marked or similar I don't see a problem.

Before you buy check their feedback, and see how they have dealt with any faulty units and returns, import duty is a pain in the harris if you get clobbered for it, but (I didn't say this), most Hong Kong sellers undervalue stuff on customs forms, I just ordered in some RC car kits for resale, in the UK they retail at £399, wholesale at £312 with the VAT, and were advertised at £200 with free shipping, I ordered them in separately, and they arrived separately, all were declared at $50 US value, so nothing to pay there.

If the deal goes t1ts up and the unit is under 2kg, chuck it back to them airmail signed for at around 20 quid, take that bit of it on the nose and get most of your money back, you can't really lose.

As for if the unit went bang, if you purchase UK supplied kit and it went bang then legal responsibility goes back to the importer, if they don't decide to go bust or change names, as plenty do regularly, the disclaimer is in the text on the listing "should be installed by professional gasman", if you aren't corgi (or whatever they call it these days) registered, and you're fitting it yourself, then there is no claim, whether the unit was supplied by a UK based company, or imported.
"I don't feel the need to be educated any more. I could probably teach the teacher's if I am honest. " Ronnie B

"I know what islam is you patronising turnip"   Sean Dyer


Re: anyone ever ordered from hong kong
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2014, 10:54:19 am »
I always find it strange that the same guys who preach about the safety advantages of WFP over ladder work
turn a blind eye when it comes to DIY fitted gas boilers in vans.
The (it only needs to happen once argument) seems to go out the window when it suits.
To hell with safety and legal aspects as long as I can set it up a cheaply as possible.
The sensible solution would be to have one fitted by a professional supplier (there are plenty about) and not worry
about the costs.
Surly anyone thinking of getting a hot water set-up would have worked out the what extra financial benefit would be to their business and would want to do as much as possible to keep themselves as legal as possible.
We could argue all day on getting a claim for damages, yes the supplier could go belly up and get out of paying.
But he would still be legally responsible of any third party damage and any criminal charges would be brought against
him instead of you.