When I first got into window cleaning 17 years ago, a friend of mine took me on part time and showed me the ropes.
After working with him for about 3 months, he encouraged me to try and build up some custom of my own. After a couple of weeks of canvassing, I had enough work to more than cover my wages, and I went it alone. After about 2 years of picking up work by word of mouth and walk ups, I was full to the brim. Very few messers, in fact work flooded in without any effort. The hardest thing was being able to keep up with my workload.
Three years ago, we sold up and moved to Ireland, where I started up again. I canvassed for a few months, knocking on around 5000 doors (around half of the town) and picked up some customers but found it very different to my earlier experience. Drop off rate was high, with plenty of messers, and I began to wonder if I was going to succeed. Having told myself that failure is not an option, I ploughed on, building, culling and building some more. It took me about 18 months to 2 years to make what I would call a living wage. We survived, but it was tough going.
I have just completed my third year, and am now around 80 per cent full. I am continually refining my business, and this will be ongoing, with culling and replacing with better work.
I believe my experience to be a fair reflection of what any new starter can expect.