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  • Posts: 1634
Tanks auto switch off
« on: August 01, 2014, 07:10:26 am »
Hi I've been messing around with the 4040 system trying to cure my slightly high Tds out put from membrane of 48 Tds. My brodex 500ro system has 9 elbow fittings in place before it reaches the membrane causing a pressure drop so  I by passed all of this. I went straight from 10" filter direct to the membrane no messing and by doing this I reduce the Tds to 30.  My question is the auto fill up (ballcock) is fitted before the 4040 to shut off water when full up but can I set this up after it comes out of the membrane at 30tds?

Picture here of the ballcock.

Pete Thompson

  • Posts: 951
Re: Tanks auto switch off
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2014, 08:27:47 am »
You could do that, but it will mean that when the tank is full, all of the water will simply go to the waste stream from the RO, with the waste valve still half closed (as it should be when producing pure water). I've no idea if that is bad for the RO or not.

So although the water will stop going into the tank, waste water will continue to be produced.

It is better to have it so that when the tanks full the water into the RO is stopped, so that no more pure or waste is produced.

Paul Coleman

Re: Tanks auto switch off
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2014, 08:37:22 am »
What I have is a battery powered timer on the tap AND a ballcock near top of tank.  If I misjudge the timing, the battery timer will shut things off before too much waste has occurred.


  • Posts: 1634
Re: Tanks auto switch off
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2014, 08:42:39 am »
You could do that, but it will mean that when the tank is full, all of the water will simply go to the waste stream from the RO, with the waste valve still half closed (as it should be when producing pure water). I've no idea if that is bad for the RO or not.

So although the water will stop going into the tank, waste water will continue to be produced.

It is better to have it so that when the tanks full the water into the RO is stopped, so that no more pure or waste is produced.
hi Pete this makes sense thanks so what is a typical setup to auto fill up then??
I much prefer short pipe from 10" pre filters to 4040 the flow rate is massive but how do I auto stop it?


  • Posts: 1634
Re: Tanks auto switch off
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2014, 08:43:50 am »
What I have is a battery powered timer on the tap AND a ballcock near top of tank.  If I misjudge the timing, the battery timer will shut things off before too much waste has occurred.
hi David can you describe how it sets up from the tap to di please??