most people do NOT phone for a small stain, they usually have dirty carpets that need cleaning anyway or you will leave a clean patch, so most people will ask for a cleaning price, within that price i will attempt to remove the stain so the min charge is not relevant anyhow
most jobs i quote for are way above £99 so for me its never an issue
however if i'm in the area and its something i can remove with a spotting liquid then i might charge £20
not every STAIN is a STAIN just a spot so nothing is ever black and white
i know its not rocket science but i think some on this forum forget that most of us are professional and have put a lot of hard work, money and effort learning the craft of our business with ongoing training to make us a the top of our craft,
so as professionals we deserve to be a success
just because somebody else disagrees with pricing doesnt mean its wrong in fact i feel sorry for people who have this "you cant charge that in my area b******s" stuck in their heads, its just tells me you are going for the wrong clients
that is nobody elses problem but yourselves
ps recommendations and repeat clients for me are at an all time high, so that tells me that most people want a great result NOT a cheap price