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Window Lickers

  • Posts: 2196
Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:18:11 pm »
What sort of payment scheme do you guys work out together?


66/33 assuming costs covered by person receiving larger proportion?

Also how did you find it when you first started? What were your partners limitations and how did you resolve them? How were they worked out, or did time just smooth things out and now you're a great team working well together and turning over good work?

TIA Matt.
Liberace's ex looking to meet well built men for cottaging meets.


  • Posts: 13422
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 08:03:02 pm »
Partnership everything is split 50/50

Couldn't run the biz without mrs smudger

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Tom White

Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 08:52:47 pm »
I do all the difficult stuff, apart from inside work, she gets that.  I often even lay her hose out for her, to get her on the glass, then go and sort myself out.  She just used to whine about getting tangled up.

It takes a bit of practise, but ideally both of us should be 'doing something' at all times.  If one of us are just stood about, we need to plan our work better.  Normally we just pull up to where we're working and get on with what we've got to do; we've worked together for so long now we're pretty much like clockwork.  We can turn over - what I think is a great hourly rate - and don't need to work long hours.  Though often I'll finish her early (normally after we've used 450 litres) and head back out by myself.  If she worked a full day, she'd expect me to do more around the house.

Toilet can be a pain sometimes; I'm happy to urinate in public, but she's not so keen; so expect to have one job left and hear the magic "I need the toilet" and then have to drive a five-mile-round trip to the toilets 'n' back!  I've even bought her a she-wee, but she only uses it on long distance fell running races.

But I don't think window cleaning is suited for most women.  I don't know many females who've stuck it for very long.  Wor Lass has been at it for over ten years now, but even some blokes can't hack it.  If you're thinking of working with Your Lass, she needs to try it out first; especially if she's going to give up a secure job to do it.

Relationship-wise, we've had our ups 'n' downs, but living together, working together and even playing together (we have the same hobby; running) means we spend a heck of a lot of time with each other at times.  But it doesn't seem to cause us any problems; just the opposite really because we've always plenty of opportunities to talk.

Anyway, Wor Lass gets her food and board and if she's been really good, I pay her in kind.



Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 09:10:20 pm »
Interesting. We did our first job last week - a big one off country house. That went well. Ours is just a short term arrangement. She has been made redundant and we have decided that she won't go back to work. In the short term I need her go work two days a week until I can affords to employ someone. I would be at that point now, but the loss of her salary means that I can't take the hit on my income.

Matt - my wife found an slx18 and Extreme brush very light. I have decided pretty much like Tosh that I will do all 2nd storey windows and awkward ones.


  • Posts: 498
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 09:13:56 pm »
My wife is going to start after september, once my boy starts full time school. 

I was thinking of getting her a slx 22 and just paying her £40 or £50 for a day.


  • Posts: 498
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2014, 09:17:45 pm »
agreed with 8 weekly,  the plan is to have her around for a couple of days a week so I can finish the round early and we can leaflet together all friday.  hopefully after 6 months of this I can hire someone else.  depending on how she likes it or not.

we have been married for 10 years so working together is actually a good thing.  spending extra time with the wife. 

Tom White

Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2014, 10:52:13 pm »
One of the positives is that if it's a lovely day you can say, "C'mon, let's have the day off and go and do something nice!"

But one of the negatives is that if it's a lovely day you can say, "C'mon, let's have the day off and go and do something nice!"

It takes a bit more self discipline to keep your head down and work when you work with your Missis.  I guess if they had a 'normal job' and went out to work, we'd feel more compelled to work too.


  • Posts: 8974
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2014, 11:01:11 pm »
Partnership everything is split 50/50

Couldn't run the biz without mrs smudger


Clearly written by Mrs Smudger. She hacks your acct Smudge! ;D

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.


  • Posts: 8974
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2014, 11:03:44 pm »
I do all the difficult stuff, apart from inside work, she gets that.  I often even lay her hose out for her, to get her on the glass, then go and sort myself out.  She just used to whine about getting tangled up.

It takes a bit of practise, but ideally both of us should be 'doing something' at all times.  If one of us are just stood about, we need to plan our work better.  Normally we just pull up to where we're working and get on with what we've got to do; we've worked together for so long now we're pretty much like clockwork.  We can turn over - what I think is a great hourly rate - and don't need to work long hours.  Though often I'll finish her early (normally after we've used 450 litres) and head back out by myself.  If she worked a full day, she'd expect me to do more around the house.

Toilet can be a pain sometimes; I'm happy to urinate in public, but she's not so keen; so expect to have one job left and hear the magic "I need the toilet" and then have to drive a five-mile-round trip to the toilets 'n' back!  I've even bought her a she-wee, but she only uses it on long distance fell running races.

But I don't think window cleaning is suited for most women.  I don't know many females who've stuck it for very long.  Wor Lass has been at it for over ten years now, but even some blokes can't hack it.  If you're thinking of working with Your Lass, she needs to try it out first; especially if she's going to give up a secure job to do it.

Relationship-wise, we've had our ups 'n' downs, but living together, working together and even playing together (we have the same hobby; running) means we spend a heck of a lot of time with each other at times.  But it doesn't seem to cause us any problems; just the opposite really because we've always plenty of opportunities to talk.

Anyway, Wor Lass gets her food and board and if she's been really good, I pay her in kind. Let her have the night off


It's just the internet. Try not to worry.

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2014, 08:45:35 am »
We work together, even though she's a Man Utd fan. I do tops, and she does downs. We work well together. We had to split the business into window cleaning and carpet cleaning to avoid VAT. Everything is 50/50 earning. Some couples don't like to work together, but it seems to be OK with us.
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 8974
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2014, 08:52:53 am »
We work together, even though she's a Man Utd fan. I do tops, and she does downs. We work well together. We had to split the business into window cleaning and carpet cleaning to avoid VAT. Everything is 50/50 earning. Some couples don't like to work together, but it seems to be OK with us.

Can we hear from Mrs Cozy to see if she would concur? ;D

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.


  • Posts: 17015
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2014, 09:15:59 am »
My other half comes out sometimes and does all the nattering to customers while I work.

It's a brilliant arrangement and I get more work done.
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.


  • Posts: 1624
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2014, 12:47:20 pm »
My wife is a director and she as the small van where she does communial cleaning to care homes ie hoovering, polishing the lounges stairways, you'd think she was going to an office she dresses quite smart. She worked for Barclays for 20 years got redundancy and came in with me, she does my vat and accountant does my tax works well for us.

Wouldn't have her cleaning windows me personally don't think its a women's job, if be embarrassed if she was cleaning windows ME PeRSONALLY !!!! Some will disagree some will agree but not for me.

I just couldn't imagine a women up a ladder or wfp bit weird !!!!👄👀💆🙋

Tom White

Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2014, 12:57:21 pm »
I just couldn't imagine a women up a ladder or wfp bit weird !!!!👄👀💆🙋

I'm tempted to put up a post showing a female soldier who won the George Cross, saving lives under fire, returning fire to the enemy, and being an all-round tough nut, but if you find women using a wfp weird, this female soldier would probably frazzle your brain cell.

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2014, 01:11:42 pm »
We work together, even though she's a Man Utd fan. I do tops, and she does downs. We work well together. We had to split the business into window cleaning and carpet cleaning to avoid VAT. Everything is 50/50 earning. Some couples don't like to work together, but it seems to be OK with us.

Can we hear from Mrs Cozy to see if she would concur? ;D

Good point, I'll ask her. (Nicely of course)  ;D
No still don't understand, I must be thick

Window Lickers

  • Posts: 2196
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2014, 01:17:49 pm »
I just couldn't imagine a women up a ladder or wfp bit weird !!!!👄👀💆🙋

No? Oh well, your loss  ;)

Liberace's ex looking to meet well built men for cottaging meets.


  • Posts: 1624
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2014, 01:35:32 pm »
Tosh I can see that women in the army, police force I can't get me head around women in the fire brigade or driving a black cab lol !!!!

Women Cleaning windows is a no no for me just can't see it, like you and many on here I'm old school when I use to go up  3 part ladders I've never seen a women on a company cleaning windows can't get me head around it !!!!

Window cleaning company's never employed women windows cleaners not that I know of ? They use to do builders clean, cleaning but not window cleaning. 😳

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2014, 01:48:43 pm »
Lot's of companies here employ women windies mate. Seen a few women truck drivers while I was a trucker, but 95% couldn't reverse  ;D
While loading regularly at Zeebrugge, they employed some woman to shunt trailers around the bays. Cameras all over the truck, a real expensive set up it was. Used to watch her taking upto 10 minutes getting onto a bay  ::)roll But she had all the check shirt and baseball cap from SCANIA etc  ;D
Having slagged off women drivers, I've seen many very good bus drivers. About a third of line busses here are driven by women. The difference is, they don't need to reverse a 40ft trailer onto a tight bay  :D
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 84
Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2014, 09:05:11 pm »
Bloodyhell Cozy I've not know one window cleaning company here employ women seriously!!!
Mind you m8 I have seen a few bus drivers but yes can imagine a women truck driver lol !!! Driving Miss Daisy.

Saying that she was a good truck driver the bird off Ice road truckers Lisa I think her name was and she wernt to bad looking lol !!!!👀

Tom White

Re: Those who work with their partner/girlfriend/wife
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2014, 09:15:58 pm »
Seen a few women truck drivers while I was a trucker,

As a sheer coincidence, Squeaky has a girlfriend who drives trucks.  She's called Mick and has huge hairy forearms.