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Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3486
Re: Wfp back to trad
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2014, 11:04:10 pm »
I choose the method that will give the best finish on each job.

On about 99% of my work that is WFP.

Not really sure why you can't seem to get a good finish with the pole.
because I do a lot of villages that still have old wooden frames that don't take to well to the pole and because believe it or not a good trad window cleaner can actually do a better job on certain windows

The jury is still out on that one I think.

Whys the jury still out on it ?
I guarantee that there's not one guy on here who knows how to use a wfp system properly that wont tell you there are certain
windows that don't take well to the pole no matter what you try.
Some could have 99% of their windows that come up o.k. others could have less.

Because I'm yet to find a window type that I can't get perfect.

The windows talk about can be a pain, but you have to do just all top openers then when the drips stop go back underneath. Yes they are a pain. But I have one house in my whole run with widows like that.

The only reason a pane of glass will not look 100% crystal clear is because of contamination.

So find out how to stop that contamination and hey presto. :)
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher


Re: Wfp back to trad
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2014, 11:16:33 pm »
I choose the method that will give the best finish on each job.

On about 99% of my work that is WFP.

Not really sure why you can't seem to get a good finish with the pole.
because I do a lot of villages that still have old wooden frames that don't take to well to the pole and because believe it or not a good trad window cleaner can actually do a better job on certain windows

The jury is still out on that one I think.

Whys the jury still out on it ?
I guarantee that there's not one guy on here who knows how to use a wfp system properly that wont tell you there are certain
windows that don't take well to the pole no matter what you try.
Some could have 99% of their windows that come up o.k. others could have less.

Because I'm yet to find a window type that I can't get perfect.

The windows talk about can be a pain, but you have to do just all top openers then when the drips stop go back underneath. Yes they are a pain. But I have one house in my whole run with widows like that.

The only reason a pane of glass will not look 100% crystal clear is because of contamination.

So find out how to stop that contamination and hey presto. :)

Nothing wrong in believing that every window you clean comes up perfect, its the only way to think when using
wfp methods.
Like somebody else stated, as long as the customers aren't complaining then who cares.

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3486
Re: Wfp back to trad
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2014, 11:33:53 pm »
I choose the method that will give the best finish on each job.

On about 99% of my work that is WFP.

Not really sure why you can't seem to get a good finish with the pole.
because I do a lot of villages that still have old wooden frames that don't take to well to the pole and because believe it or not a good trad window cleaner can actually do a better job on certain windows

The jury is still out on that one I think.

Whys the jury still out on it ?
I guarantee that there's not one guy on here who knows how to use a wfp system properly that wont tell you there are certain
windows that don't take well to the pole no matter what you try.
Some could have 99% of their windows that come up o.k. others could have less.

Because I'm yet to find a window type that I can't get perfect.

The windows talk about can be a pain, but you have to do just all top openers then when the drips stop go back underneath. Yes they are a pain. But I have one house in my whole run with widows like that.

The only reason a pane of glass will not look 100% crystal clear is because of contamination.

So find out how to stop that contamination and hey presto. :)

Nothing wrong in believing that every window you clean comes up perfect, its the only way to think when using
wfp methods.
Like somebody else stated, as long as the customers aren't complaining then who cares.

Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher