It is only possible to do very small items with an electric single phase compressor. Most media blasters require a twin tool compressor as its the flow rate that carries the media. I have a soda blaster and that works best with a twin tool with the workrate being quite slow with a single. If you use soda you will need an efficient water separator - I have a stand alone fan cooled intercoler to get the water out of suspension. Sand is less prone to water problems but makes more mess. Soda is better at cleaning hydro carbons, less aggressive and easier to clean up. sand is more aggressive, more tolerant to damp air but messy.
I rarely use my blaster as there are easier ways to earn a crust ! I bought it to clean hulls during the winter but they only want to do it when they put the boat in the water in the spring - just as the patios start
PBO was the nuts for advertising hull cleaning but they call yatch owners wafi's for a reason Wind Assisted Flopping Idiots