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Re: A great start up.
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2014, 09:11:54 am »
Yes, can vouch for the fact leaflets don't work. Impossible to build a brilliant round that way.  ::)roll

Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2014, 09:13:53 am »
Poleking has given you the best course of action , Because until you know what it is like you are looking through rose tinted glasses .

I  would not spend more than £200 before giving it a real go , WFP has given the impression that it is easy to window clean which to a point it is .

Its the running a business that is the maker or breaker crap weather no payed holidays or sick pay  and all the other crap that goes with it is what breaks most new start ups in any business .

You are willing to spend 8K and you have not cleaned one window and have no clear idea if you are going to like it more so in the winter which is the real test .

Enjoy your day  ;D ;D ;D ;D . Mike


  • Posts: 25119
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2014, 09:16:52 am »
Mark, get a 600 IBC for your shed - a 1000 is cheaper if you have the room.

Put a 400L in your Caddy if it's payload is 700 or more.

Use a reel. Not barrels/trolley. (I've done trolley, backpack, trailer and van - van is best, followed as a poor second by trailer.)

Get an SLX30. The adjustment of an slx is better/easier than an extreme (IMO) in narrow gaps on domestic. Take the two biggest sections off and use it as an SLX20 on 90% of your domestic work and add any of the other sections as needed.

Canvassing: (wear smart casual or logo'd polo shirt - carry a folder/clipboard)

"Hi, I'm Mark Stone the window cleaner, I've got some customers your area already and I'm expanding a little to make a full weeks work out of it - do you need a window cleaner?" (Shut up and wait.) They will say:

1. No thanks. ( I do my own, I've got a windie, etc)
2. Had one - unreliable. (This can mean "no" or "convince me")
3. How much? (green light)

HTH - if it works, send me a six pack of Wadworths 6X.

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 601
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2014, 09:17:12 am »
I would agree with getting a van mount straight away, I started with a trolley and they are pointless really, just hassle lugging them about and changing barrels etc.
And if you are in Kent then you should have no probs building a decent round that could earn you £4+ a month, but it won't be easy mate, 2 or 3 years of hard graft and hour upon hour of canvassing. It will be the toughest few years of your life but if you have the will to succeed you can end up with a really good and well paying business.


  • Posts: 20535
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2014, 09:20:50 am »
Don't read the "i earn £x" posts on here.

Do a plan and work out how much you NEED and take it from there.

A fully paid up  memeber of the blue pill community

martin hulstone

  • Posts: 323
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2014, 09:32:23 am »
Do not get a trolley system, so much faffing around you will regret it. Start as you mean to go on and buy a tank and system, its easy to build your on set up with some decent research


  • Posts: 274
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2014, 09:35:13 am »
Thanks guys, really appreciate the input.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2014, 09:47:17 am »

Couple of things:

1. Speak to Ian Lancaster - loads from him and about him on here.  He franchises and guarantees you all the work you need.  He's in Rochester.  I don't think anyone on here would have a bad word to say about him.  Yes, you'll pay a price for the help but you'll be up and working and full quicker than you can possibly imagine.

2. Leaflets work.  Plenty of threads on here.  Leaflets delivered for you are excellent once you're filling up, as they are gaining customers for you while you work.  Before the arguments start, I'm not suggesting that canvassing doesn't work, just that a statement like "leaflets are a waste of time and money" demands a response.


Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2014, 09:50:16 am »
Agree with Vin,  Leaflets do work its what you put on them that defines whether they work or not i picked up loads of work from my leaflets which exceeded the average response rate . Mike


  • Posts: 274
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2014, 10:02:11 am »
The pros and cons of starting up myself, buying a round or buying a franchise have kept me awake at night! I realise how tough it is to start up yourself and how soul destroying canvassing and winter time can be through what I've read and heard, although a franchise seems like a great start and earning immediately, I fear that giving between 23% - 40% a month back each month would become grating after a period of time? I wonder how many on this forum went down the franchise route and have never once regretted it?

Paul Coleman

Re: A great start up.
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2014, 10:11:54 am »
Leaflets work alright but I have found the build-up of customers to be much slower than canvassing - the flip side being that a leafletted customer is more likely to be a stayer.  Canvassing should get you customers more quickly - which may be vital for cash flow with a new start-up.  Expect to get a higher number of messers though.  By the time my round was full, I had a fairly lengthy "to be dropped when no longer needed" list.  But my start was all canvassed by me and the rest was referrals and walk ups.

j timms

  • Posts: 113
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2014, 10:14:54 am »
just be aware that building a very profitable round requires very compact work or highly priced work. Im not trying to put u off but window cleaning is so competitive these days mainly due to everyone on here boasting how much they can earn. Practice technique a huge amount as wfp can get terrible response if used badly. it helps very much if u can trad as well as some jobs will require u too and customers will have more confidence in you. try not to step on other windies toes as in my 25years experience its a whole lot easier if u get on with other local window cleaners. U don't want a competition undercutting each other all the time as this benefits no one long term. Good luck with your venture but don't spend to much until u know if its for u or not first.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2014, 10:54:43 am »
The pros and cons of starting up myself, buying a round or buying a franchise have kept me awake at night! I realise how tough it is to start up yourself and how soul destroying canvassing and winter time can be through what I've read and heard, although a franchise seems like a great start and earning immediately, I fear that giving between 23% - 40% a month back each month would become grating after a period of time? I wonder how many on this forum went down the franchise route and have never once regretted it?


Not trying to push you down this route, but give Ian Lancaster a call.  If I recall he has about 13 franchisees; all of them (I think) have chosen to renew when their franchise terms is up, which suggests happiness.  He'll also let you speak to them so you can hear the truth.

I franchise in Southampton - my guys have a full round in three/four months with no effort on their behalf bar cleaning windows.  They don't have to worry about the kit they need, I do all that.  They are given very clear instructions on how to run their business and they won't make the mistakes I made (one of which cost me £6,000).  Yes, they pay 20% of turnover for that but it's a business on a plate.



  • Posts: 23862
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2014, 11:06:16 am »
earnings threads shows the potential of what can be earned window cleaning but most of us that get near the figures have been window cleaning for many many years,embraced wfp and are highly motivated individuals who work hard and have solid customer bases and work in affluent areas.

if i were you i wouldnt even consider starting up window cleaning on my own go and get a job window cleaning for someone else first for 6 months or more.learn the techniques on how to clean windows to a good standard in a good time both wfp and trad.see if you can hack it.

if you do like it then id buy a cheap van(min payload 900kg),500L TANK,100m hose and reel etc,25ft slx.get it signwritten,business cards,leaflets etc and BUY SOME WORK TO START YOU OFF and canvass hard for 6 months most weekends or when you have time.

keep the redundancy money in the bank for now.thats what id do.

best wishes

price higher/work harder!

Chris Buchan

  • Posts: 64
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2014, 02:22:30 pm »
I dont see how you can lose,it is really easy,you dont need to loose any sleep.

Buy what you need and you will soon make that money back when you start working,If it's not for you sell the gear and van.

As long as you can canvass rellentlessly you will build a business,but dont be afraid of this,some days you dont pick up any,other days you get a few,when you pick up your first few you get a massive buzz then it becomes easy an you just keep going.

A guy who worked for me had built a round in no time in Kent,very good prices,I could work one day a week on what he charged.

Paul T

  • Posts: 207
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2014, 10:01:33 pm »
What part of a Kent are u Mark ?
I might be able to give u a days work and see if I can put you off lol


  • Posts: 274
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2014, 10:16:13 pm »
Haha, I'm in Rainham mate, I can travel though, currently out of work! Let me know.


  • Posts: 274
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2014, 10:21:02 pm »
By the way, just on a quick note, all of you guys who said van mount is a must, do ever having parking problems? i.e busy streets, double yellows etc? Are there health and safety issues? I only say this as I saw a van mount doing a house up my street last week, he was round the back of the house but his hose was flapping about waist high across the path? Somebody walking down the street would have had to leave the path to get round it? Looked like a liability claim waiting to happen!! 😊


  • Posts: 601
Re: A great start up.
« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2014, 10:25:14 pm »
By the way, just on a quick note, all of you guys who said van mount is a must, do ever having parking problems? i.e busy streets, double yellows etc? Are there health and safety issues? I only say this as I saw a van mount doing a house up my street last week, he was round the back of the house but his hose was flapping about waist high across the path? Somebody walking down the street would have had to leave the path to get round it? Looked like a liability claim waiting to happen!! 😊
A Backpack is what you will need for occassional use like when there are parking problems, customers with no access other than through house etc, but a van mount will do 99% of work.


Re: A great start up.
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2014, 12:11:43 am »
By the way, just on a quick note, all of you guys who said van mount is a must, do ever having parking problems? i.e busy streets, double yellows etc? Are there health and safety issues? I only say this as I saw a van mount doing a house up my street last week, he was round the back of the house but his hose was flapping about waist high across the path? Somebody walking down the street would have had to leave the path to get round it? Looked like a liability claim waiting to happen!!

Just bad workmanship there's no need to have a hose waist high across a path.
A van mount is a better option (not a must) because its a lot easier on your spine.