I was a member of checktrade for a year and we put a lot of effort into getting good feedback and building it up. One day out of the blue I had somebody put negative feedback up which was unwarranted and not accurate. They slated us for being late despite the fact we do not give firm appointments and repeatedly told the customer, they also accused us of marking their paintwork. The customer on leaving was all nice as pie and had no problems, the feed back was posted 2 weeks after the job was carried out.
Checkatrade did not listen to us, and there is only a limited amount of words you are able to use to defend the complaint, not enough in my view to allow us to directly cover each statement made by the customer.
It was not a nice experience after putting so much effort in the first place especially as the complaint was totally unjustified in the first place.
In the article it says that the complaints procedure is complicated, but any customer can make comments about you that are visible to other customers looking at your feed back.