Hi All,
Just thought I'd pop by and say hi as lots of good discussion around Cleaner Planner here - thanks for the kind words guys
If anyone has any questions at all, or fancies giving CP a try but doesn't know where to start, please don't hesitate to drop me an email directly at
rob@cleanerplanner.com and I'll help you get up and running with the free trial so you can see if it's for you. I can import from WCP, George, Aworka and Excel. If you're on paper I can help you get your data into Excel format.
Spursboy1972 - Yep, Cleaner Planner is web based so it works perfectly on the Mac, and we have dedicated mobile apps for your iPhone / iPad / Android as well so you can take your worksheets on the road in digital format. It works offline while you're out and about so no need to worry about signal, you don't even need a data plan, just sync up at start / end of day over wifi.
LWC - Thanks for the WCP backup, looking forward to getting you up and running later today
Ongoing development and support is what CP is all about and I'm sure my wonderful users would attest that when there is a rare glitch I fix it as immediately as humanly possible!