Old lady, about 85..."Would you mind doing the insides for me, dear, I just can't reach anymore?"
Idiot me...."Of course, no problem!"
It's in an old folks block..2 windows and a glazed door.
Old lady, "How much do you want dear?"
Idiot me, "£3.00 please my luv!"
Old lady, "Oooh, thats lovely, so nice to have them cleaned by someone you can trust."
Old lady, "Here's my purse dear, just help yourself, my fingers don't work anymore."
Idiot me, "NO, No, you shouldn't let people do that! That's how older folks are taken advantage of!"
Old lady, "Don't be silly dear, I know I can trust you. Here just help yourself."
Idiot me, "I'll tip it all out here on the table so you can see exactly what I'm taking, OK?"
Old lady, "Alright dear, if you must. Have I got the right change in there."
Idiot me, "Let's have a look....One, two,....errrmmm...ten pence, thirty....ahhh, emmm."
Old lady, "Don't worry about the rest, I'll tidy up after you've gone. Thank you dear, you are kind."
Idiot me.......walks off 25 minutes later with everything she had in her purse .... 75pence!!!
Old lady waving, "Do come again."
This happened 3 months ago, not 3 decades ago!














