Hi, i currently have a part time business as a car valeter alongside a part time employed job. but have been looking to get into window cleaning for morer regular work, the valeting i mainly get business from my website.
I have bought the basic stuff for water fed pole and had a practice, (trolley system, D.I.) and i have just recieved 5000 leaflets.
I went out this morn to post my first leaflets, i managed to put out about 100 but all the time i felt like a twat. I was nervous posting what some may consider crap through peoples letter boxes and the thought of knocking on doors made me feel a bit ill. I admit to having a history of anxiety but have always managed when i was in full time employment.
Anyway i tried to psyche myself up a few times, but got thoughts in my head of everyone saying no or not answering or already having a cleaner or even getting upset i was knocking.
In the end i got back in my car angry with myself and went home, im now annoyed at myself because i know if i dont do this i might as well just go back to employment
has anyone else struggled with canvassing and being confident with selling etc?
thanks adam
yep i struggled.
i have had a stammer since I was a kid so the idea of knocking on strangers doors was pretty terrrifying for me
the thing that made me do it was i was not happy with the direction my career was going in and wanted to build something better for myself. when i had decided to start the business it was more a case that i was more scared of failing than of knocking on doors.
once you've got over your first 20 min of knocking you're fine. the only thing is for me, its the first 20 min of knicking that are scary each time i go out. the difference is i suppose, is that I have done it before so i know that i just need to get over those first dors then i'll be fine.
if youve got the drive to start your own business you'll be fine. if not, then maybe its not the business for you... its a challenge! good luck