I'd be interested in how long it would take a 100% LM cleaner, I find it's about the same time as when I HWE.
Just for interest here's our routine:
I walk up to the door carrying 75ft of solution line and the Hydraforce, My helper carries an extention cord & dust sheet, I run out the solution line he wraps the banister and plugs in the extention cord.
I prespray the top hall & stairs, he starts scrubbing while I pull in the vac hose. While he is scrubbing I will move small items in the lounge and prespray the traffic areas.
I start extracting upstairs while he scrubs the lounge. If everything is going smoothly he will position airmovers then go leafleting until I have completed the job and have packed away (I call him as I drive away and ask where he is) if there is heavy spotting, filtration marks or anything else that would stop me wanding he will do these before leafleting.
This is how we work on most jobs.