This is a photo of me 20 years ago, don't laugh at the tash
. I used to have a couple of very nice contracts, one with Newcastle Breweries for their pubs and one for a Builiding & Decorating company run by the most demamding, obnoxious man you could ever meet who used to re-furbish all the CIU social clubs.
The breweries only had their carpets cleaned when the environmental health officers forced them to. So they were minging with severe blacktop. All really good quality seamed Axminsters.
Most of the work was carried out with that blue machine in the photo. An Extracta DX. Single vac, 100psi.
No Internet forums back then, no CRB's. My weapons, Prochem pile brush, watering can with fine rose, wallpaper spiked roller, Enzall.
Carpets were in use same day, no shrinkage, looked great.
Kept these contracts for years until Newcastle Breweries sold off all their pubs, passed other contract on to Paul King when I started fire & flood full time, think he still does it.