I know what u mean me and my dad and brother have been through about four aquadaters that have simply snapped in half.
Most have been replaced free of charge love the product but hate it when they break.
They now say no goosenecks and dont shake the brush too hard as it can damage it.
I think the product is too long and needs shortening.
Oliver rise n shine cleaning
Hi oliver,
Spoke to your dad other day, if your aware of that, and told him we altered there body design where it broke.
true i would not advise goosenecks usually as it does increase stress, but we have tried to address this area.
if you notice the new one i sent you (Black and grey) it has a different design Slot.
Please talk to me so i can address (alter design to improve), ironing problems publicly just undermines a product, not help it, when you work with suppliers like my self you will get a better product.
If a customer said to you, i dont want my windows cleaned, you would like to know why.
If they told you one window was spotting, you would address it yes?
What if they went to all there neighbours saying you was a rubbish window cleaner before telling you the problem first.
Do you understand my view point?