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I received e-mail today from the British Safety Council, which says:

. Last chance to apply for a British Safety Council International Safety Award


The HSE is proud to continue its support and endorsement of The British Safety Council's International Safety Awards.

The award scheme, which is designed to recognise and reward companies that have achieved success in reducing accidents, is now in its 48th year.

Only companies who achieve accident incidence rates which are better than the industry average for their sector are eligible to apply.

External adjudicators review a variety of documents provided by the applicant and winners must demonstrate board level commitment and details of significant health and safety advances for the qualifying year.

On Friday 19 May 2006 the British Safety Council will hold a celebratory winners banquet at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London.

The banquet is the most stylish and spectacular safety awards ceremony in the UK and is regarded as the premier event for acknowledging commitment to reducing accidents in the workplace and raising the profile of the benefits of good health and safety. As well as being formally presented with their certificates, attendees will enjoy a four course meal, continuous entertainment and a dazzling cabaret.

The British Safety Council are still accepting applications. To download an awards application form please click here

If you have any questions regarding the scheme or the banquet, please contact the British Safety Council's Corporate Affairs Department directly on 0208 600 5571 / 5598.

So anyone interested in getting the award should follow the  ::) link.

