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customer enquiry
« on: March 28, 2006, 11:03:41 am »
I have a customer who wants to sign up with us, she has had a lot of work done in her house renovatione etc an she wants a thorough clean in all rooms.

The thing is she wants 2.5 hours per week and rotate the rooms to be cleaned. and she says that 2 rooms are to be cleaned in the 2.5 hours. There will only be one cleaner, do you think that 1 room can be thouroughly cleaned in 2 hours, never mind 2?

The floors are all wooden or tiled except in the hall and recetion room, so lots of mopping.

Do you think mopping the wooden/tiled floors and them buffing up with a dry mop would be any good?

domestic bliss

  • Posts: 161
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 08:34:45 pm »
I would say yes i think 2 rooms could be thoroughly cleaned in 2.5 hours i can do a 3 bed house in that time on my own.
As for washing wood floors if you are providing the chemicals you can get a wood floor cleaner ie Pledge make it.  I find that if you use a well rung out mop the floor dries lovely smear free without buffing it with a dry mop


Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 08:46:03 pm »
do you include all the skirting boards, cupboards and the other big jobs in that time aswell?

Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2006, 10:24:20 pm »

Difficult to judge how much time needed to clean 2 room (depends on the size and furniture etc.), if it is an average house 2.5 hour should be enough, however what surprises me is that your customer asks to clean "rooms".  Our customers usually give priorities to the kitchen area...

As far as three bedroom house is concerned, we would ask for four hours...




Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2006, 10:29:11 pm »
its just cos she has had the builders in and its all dusty, so instead of doing one big expensive clean she wants to go at it in weekly stages.

I did say to her if its a kitchen then dependant on size and state of repair it could take up the whole 2.5 hrs on its own.

its an old 4 bed house victorian, big rooms and high ceilings.

Bernard Hibbs

  • Posts: 61
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 11:17:02 pm »
When I take on a contract like this, I always try to get them to do a sping clean first.  If they don't want to pay for it, I do it free (not as thorough) because after we have spring cleaned, a room takes about 20 minutes to clean if you do it every week.
Trying really hard to clean all of East London!

Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2006, 11:19:56 pm »
its just cos she has had the builders in and its all dusty, so instead of doing one big expensive clean she wants to go at it in weekly stages...


I do not the condition of the house, but as it after builder, I would only agree to do a full clean first, before taking it on regular basis.  We normally manage to explain to our future customers the benefit of having a one-off before the cleaning on regular basis.  Usually one-off for 3-4 bedroom house takes us 15-20 hours to do, we charge more for one-off cleaning, but after it done our customers are very happy to have it done (the difference is obvious) and we are happy to have a clean house to maintain.




  • Posts: 3688
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2006, 01:39:05 am »
its just cos she has had the builders in and its all dusty, so instead of doing one big expensive clean she wants to go at it in weekly stages...


I do not the condition of the house, but as it after builder, I would only agree to do a full clean first, before taking it on regular basis.  We normally manage to explain to our future customers the benefit of having a one-off before the cleaning on regular basis.  Usually one-off for 3-4 bedroom house takes us 15-20 hours to do, we charge more for one-off cleaning, but after it done our customers are very happy to have it done (the difference is obvious) and we are happy to have a clean house to maintain.



What would your charge be per hour?

Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2006, 07:24:22 am »
What would your charge be per hour?

For one-off we normally charge £12 per hour sometimes more or less, but not less than £10.

keith b

  • Posts: 375
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2006, 09:33:54 am »

Be clear and ask her exactly what she expects you to clean on a regular basis!

Is this windows & frames?

Washing bed sheets?

How big are the rooms?

Is there a lot of clutter/ornaments to wipe clean & dust? this can take time!

Consider charging her double for a one off thorough spring clean first, and then your normal rates for a regular clean!


Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2006, 09:59:35 am »
Thanks for your advise guys.

I'm going to see the property sometime this week, so i'm going to say to her that it would be a good idea to do a big clean first, 2 cleaners 1 full day if not more. For this we charge around £12 - £15 per hour per cleaner.
I thought and probably she thought that weekly clean would spread the costs, and weekly cleaning is better for cash flow than a one off clean.

I need to get it in my head that people have money and will spend it,


  • Posts: 3688
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2006, 09:02:02 pm »
What would your charge be per hour?

For one-off we normally charge £12 per hour sometimes more or less, but not less than £10.

How many cleaners would you  normally use ?

Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2006, 09:15:34 pm »
What would your charge be per hour?

For one-off we normally charge £12 per hour sometimes more or less, but not less than £10.

How many cleaners would you normally use ?


  • Posts: 3688
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2006, 11:06:46 pm »
What would your charge be per hour?

For one-off we normally charge £12 per hour sometimes more or less, but not less than £10.

How many cleaners would you normally use ?

So is that no less than £30 per hour or do you mean £10 per hour for 3 ?

Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2006, 11:16:57 pm »
So is that no less than £30 per hour or do you mean £10 per hour for 3 ?

I and my partner just red your post, we  ;D ;D ;D...

Arthur, do you think we work for peanuts?  Our charge per hour means: per hour per person.  However I must admit you are not the first to ask such question...

Best regards,


Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2006, 11:42:47 pm »
What would your charge be per hour?

For one-off we normally charge £12 per hour sometimes more or less, but not less than £10.

We only agree to £10-00 per hour per person in cases where it would be beneficial for us.  It would only be the case where, after full house clean, we start to maintain it clean on weekly bases. 

By the way we do not do fortnight cleans, only daily and/or weekly...

For letting agencies and truly one-off cleans £12-00 per hour per person is minimum.  Do not forget the National Minimum Wage is £5.05  ;)




  • Posts: 3688
Re: customer enquiry
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2006, 01:04:33 am »
So is that no less than £30 per hour or do you mean £10 per hour for 3 ?

I and my partner just red your post, we  ;D ;D ;D...

Arthur, do you think we work for peanuts?  Our charge per hour means: per hour per person.  However I must admit you are not the first to ask such question...

Best regards,


I was curious as i come up against companies in this area that quote silly prices all the time >:(