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  • Posts: 498
Re: Jesus - what a weekend that was!
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2014, 08:18:24 pm »
thats why I set george to backup to google drive everytime I exit.  I have hundreds of copies on my laptop and online

steve rix

  • Posts: 816
Re: Jesus - what a weekend that was!
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2014, 12:44:39 am »
MS word & A4 diaries= no problems!! ;D

ms exel spreadsheets + diary. Everything written in pencil (can be rubbed out later)
No Problem No expence

Ian Rochester

  • Posts: 2588
Re: Jesus - what a weekend that was!
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2014, 05:51:49 am »
Dave, I feel for you, however as the saying goes .... " To assume is to make an ass of u and me!!"

You will have had reminders about your back up running out, it comes up in the last month or so of your subscription, when you are logging out telling you the expiry date, it's then a simple case of clicking on it and renewing it.  People tend to think they'll "do it later" then forget and it expires. 

You can't blame Paul or George for you forgetting to back it up, it is not their responsibility if you have forgotten to pay the subscription.

Personally with over 3000 regular customers I think George is a brilliant system, easy to use, reliable, excellent support and very, very cheap.

Dave Willis

Re: Jesus - what a weekend that was!
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2014, 08:27:31 am »
Yes I agree with you. I thought the system was brilliant for seven years. I don't blame anyone but myself. However I think George should have some software informing you that you aren't actually backing up anything at all to the internet every time you click on save!
Apparently I was doing it every day for two years not realising my subs were out!


  • Posts: 313
Re: Jesus - what a weekend that was!
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2014, 08:41:57 am »
Hi Dave

You might want to see if you can remove the data from the drive, I appreciate you say it's packed up but I understand files can sometimes be recovered.


Tom White

Re: Jesus - what a weekend that was!
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2014, 10:25:27 am »
I just e-mail my spreadsheet to myself once-a-week.  At most I lose a weeks worth of updating; which I should be able to put together from my daily printouts and memory.

And I'd just use Wor Little Un's computer to work from if mine died.

Job jobbed.