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Chris - CBWC

  • Posts: 224
« on: April 15, 2014, 06:49:14 pm »
Recently I've begun noticing, when purging the membrane prior to filling the tank, it's taking longer to get the tds level down than when I first started in January.  I made a mental note back then that the two pre filters would need changing every 3 months or so (is this right?  or should it be more or less frequently?), and 3 months is right about now!

Looking at the Gardiner site, my pre filters are Jumbo Big Blues  ;)  so I'd be looking at getting this to replace my carbon one, but they don't seem to do one for the sediment filter?

What are the other sites (Vyair for example?) I can look at to buy my prefilters please, which are the best and which should I avoid? !!

Thanks all

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Re: Prefilters
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 07:46:23 pm »
Do you just have normal 10'' housings?(i cant tell if the prefilter you put up is normal size)

Normally prefiters should be changed around 3-6 months but it says you get 4x the capacity, so i take that to mean it should last 4?x longer?(alex should be able to tell you if you send him an email)

I get my pre filters from collins water products, i think you get 6/7 sets forbaround £60/£70.... (Google)
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?

Chris - CBWC

  • Posts: 224
Re: Prefilters
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 08:34:06 pm »
Yes they are fat 10" housings.  I know the water TDS can change from day to day so initially put it down to that but it has been 3 months now.  Would water usage also determine the life of the filters?  I have a 500L tank and so may only need to half fill the tank one evening, or not at all if it's been raining - remember Feb!!

I can't see any jumbo style pre filters on collins.  I was looking on the Vyair website too but there are too many with different micron numbers for me to know which mine is.  No markings on my housings, so I'd have to take it all apart to see what's inside and I'm currently filling up ready for tomorrow.


Re: Prefilters
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2014, 09:05:04 pm »
Pre filters have nothing to do with reducing tds their sole purpose is to protect the R.O.

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: Prefilters
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2014, 09:40:02 pm »
Recently I've begun noticing, when purging the membrane prior to filling the tank, it's taking longer to get the tds level down than when I first started in January.  I made a mental note back then that the two pre filters would need changing every 3 months or so (is this right?  or should it be more or less frequently?), and 3 months is right about now!

Looking at the Gardiner site, my pre filters are Jumbo Big Blues  ;)  so I'd be looking at getting this to replace my carbon one, but they don't seem to do one for the sediment filter?

What are the other sites (Vyair for example?) I can look at to buy my prefilters please, which are the best and which should I avoid? !!

Thanks all

The carbon reducing capacity on these Jumbo filters is about 45,000 litres so if you have used about this amount then it will be time to change.

We are phasing out these filters (trying to simplify the range) which is why the last few Carbon filters have gone on sale today (might need to refresh your browser page to see this). If you also need the sediment version you can get the sediment filters here -

Chris - CBWC

  • Posts: 224
Re: Prefilters
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2014, 10:36:36 pm »
Pre filters have nothing to do with reducing tds their sole purpose is to protect the R.O.

Ah ok, I assumed that the carbon and the sediment contributed to the ppm within the water, therefore removing them via the prefilters would lower the tds of the water that then went through the membrane.

The carbon reducing capacity on these Jumbo filters is about 45,000 litres so if you have used about this amount then it will be time to change.

We are phasing out these filters (trying to simplify the range) which is why the last few Carbon filters have gone on sale today (might need to refresh your browser page to see this). If you also need the sediment version you can get the sediment filters here -

I have precisely no idea how much water has gone through them!  I guess that's why these filters are changed regularly, to prolong the life of the membrane, or at least avoid shortening its life.

It looks like I'm going to have to spend a Saturday or Sunday taking them off and seeing what I've got inside the housings, if it's marked with what it is and who it's by, and see if that ro-man filter is suitable.  I'm sad to have lost a potential supplier of carbon filters though!