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Marc Stock

Jollisan Business Systems
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:30:34 am »
Can anyone give me thier experience in using them to franchise their business? I have only 2 weeks left to book up my alternate months and once done i will be looking at franchising out in summer 2015.

I have known ian lancaster on forums on and off for 7 years now, so im not doubting his abilites or expertice. I would love however to hear from the frachisors standpoint, how easy it was, or difficult, what did ian offer over using a traditional franchise lawyer; and was there anything that ian offered which was more attractive than going alone? And does ian have an imput in your business, or are you just buying the legal information to do it yourself?

my number is 01932 80 80 78. thanks


  • Posts: 313
Re: Jollisan Business Systems
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 12:12:19 pm »
Hi Marc

It was very easy, main issue I found was really getting to grips with the concept, trouble is I question everything and often try to change, funny thing is I nearly always reverted to Ian's views, no surprise considering the experience he has.

I do a few things my own way and still have a few questions, but on the whole it works very well.

Ian's offer over a traditional lawyer (bearing in mind Ian is not a lawyer) is 1: Experience, 2: Experience etc. etc, no doubt people will refer to the cost saving but really it's the ability to discuss these points with Ian that really helps.

People get very hung up on the legal issue, I do understand but ultimately you need to provide a service that the franchisee really wants and benefits from.

Benefits of usingIan over going it alone, now let me think, oh yes "his experience", as you see I think this is the main issue.

Yes you do get all the paperwork/documents but it's really the opportunity to discuss these with Ian that really helps.

In many way's Ian is acting as a Franchisor without on going fees!

Hope this helps

Ps. Best bet is to give Ian a call