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Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Surely theres not two benders from Germany on here?
don kee a german and a bender..........that's made my day  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775

Thanks Danny,

much appreciated, and as you will know i am more than willing to help others and off load work, but unfortunatly i wont be resorting to the pathetic games that a couple on here especially Cozy do.

They try to make small anyone on here that tries to ask a normal question.

No matter what is said, it gets twisted out of all proportion by him.

Not only ishe mega clever, busy with work but ALSO i was spoke to by someone female, that he harrased and constantly bullied - thats the measure of the man.

Rather than type pathetic comments on here, would be better all round im sure if me and cozy could meet (obviously for a coffee)

I am not all mouth over a computor, so will keep my comments to myself,

Yawn, now I get the usual threats and "we should meet up" stuff.  ;D ;D
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 1208

GO and BULLY a female

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874

Thanks Danny,

much appreciated, and as you will know i am more than willing to help others and off load work, but unfortunatly i wont be resorting to the pathetic games that a couple on here especially Cozy do.

They try to make small anyone on here that tries to ask a normal question.

No matter what is said, it gets twisted out of all proportion by him.

Not only ishe mega clever, busy with work but ALSO i was spoke to by someone female, that he harrased and constantly bullied - thats the measure of the man.

Rather than type pathetic comments on here, would be better all round im sure if me and cozy could meet (obviously for a coffee)

I am not all mouth over a computor, so will keep my comments to myself,

Mate no ones knocking you (well i wasn't meaning to) but you came on here spouting about how everyone on here is up themselves so i responded...

Is i my fault you then went off on one, with childish comments (some of which you've deleted) and subject titles?

Sure you have a great business and are a great help, fair play to you.
But if your going to go around generalising and slating everyone, at least stop acting like a kid when you do it

(Generalising means to taint everyone with the same brush)

(Taint means to mark)
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Phone calls have started early mate.  ::)roll
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 1208

Do not talk complete crap.

I have not telephoned or anything you complete k--b.

YOU are THE BULLY you mega soft -------

Big and hard bullying women, THAT IS A FACT !!!

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Geez this has esculated, pi55 taking aside, calm down its the internet...

Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775

Do not talk complete crap.

I have not telephoned or anything you complete k--b.

YOU are THE BULLY you mega soft -------

Big and hard bullying women, THAT IS A FACT !!!

No need to lose it and start swearing mate. Calm down and ring the nurse bell for your meds.  ;)
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 1208

GERMAN, BULLY, bet your like Fritzl

keep your missus and kids locked up freak, and BULLY


  • Posts: 9268
Oh dear

Everyday this forum slips further from God.  :'(


  • Posts: 891

Thanks Danny,

much appreciated, and as you will know i am more than willing to help others and off load work, but unfortunatly i wont be resorting to the pathetic games that a couple on here especially Cozy do.

They try to make small anyone on here that tries to ask a normal question.

No matter what is said, it gets twisted out of all proportion by him.

Not only ishe mega clever, busy with work but ALSO i was spoke to by someone female, that he harrased and constantly bullied - thats the measure of the man.

Rather than type pathetic comments on here, would be better all round im sure if me and cozy could meet (obviously for a coffee)

I am not all mouth over a computor, so will keep my comments to myself,

I dont post on here much at all, most of the time i just sit back and watch but i honestly cant get my head round some on here, it was a pretty simple question i thought. I dont understand why a big deal was made out of it. What are them photos about....if i was a grown man and started looking for photos on the internet of someone else to edit them and put them on a forum to p i s s someone off i would seriously have a word with myself. All just very odd imo



  • Posts: 1208
CANT even get time right,

ha ha ha wot a mong

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775

GERMAN, BULLY, bet your like Fritzl

keep your missus and kids locked up freak, and BULLY

No still don't understand, I must be thick

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
CANT even get time right,

ha ha ha wot a mong

Don't call KLEENAWAY a mong, he's trying to help you  :D
No still don't understand, I must be thick

Tom White

I think it's time this post was locked before someone gets himself banned, again.