Thanks, Tim, that's very useful. I also intend to be very proactive, because I am convinced that it is the quickest way to build up from scratch.
I have kept my set up costs as low as possible. I am looking at:
3 vans : transferred from other business : £0
1 car : second hand : £3000
equipment second hand : £3000
These are paid for, and should last a couple of years.
3x operatives, full time, £45K (with bonuses)
1x sales rep, full time, £20K
Insurance, £3K
Chemicals... I'll use your figure, £1K
Fuel... compact area so I'll go with £2K
add 20% for unseen costs.
So about £80K, which means each operative needs to clean about £600 per week to break even..... I'd like to see £1000, but it all takes time. No Yellow Pages or press ad's, just a rep visiting every restaurant, hotel, nursing home etc, and the intention is to stagger the start dates of the 3 cleaning operatives (I like the word "technicians" though) to take account of workflow.
If I can get £1000 per week per technician, allowing for holidays, that's £140K so plenty of margin to buy new vans and kit once things are established.
I've also got my eye on a boat in Miami....... i just need $379,000
if carpet cleaning works, I'll call it