A lot of carpet cleaners in my area seem to use it and have done for a long time. So unless they don't care how they spend their money then it must be working for some people.
For me its an expensive way to get clients. I converted A LOT better when my website was ranking.
For example today, I had a call she said "Hi, is that *****?" (the carpet cleaners name) "nope you've got the wrong number", so obviously she was trying to contact a carpet cleaner she has used or spoken too. THANKS LUV! that just cost me £2.**! lol
Plus I have noticed I have been getting more sales calls since joining adwords. I presume who ever is scraping the phone number is doing it via a google search? maybe clicking adwords occasionally?
I mean what's stopping a competitor clicking on your ads via their mobile?
I have looked at all the online checklists and read numerous articles regarding adwords and this is where I have gotten. I'm either missing a trick or just being too tight, maybe its normal to spend loads and not get much in turn?