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  • Posts: 766
« on: March 03, 2014, 09:35:30 pm »
Hi guys i getting a small bit of water leaking into front of van!

ive a inca, didnt fibreglass it

i filled tank tonight for the morning and i got to investigate it a bit  as i was not in a rush like when i fill it in the morning!

its not any of the fitting s but water i would estimate is 2 cup fulls or maybe more! it only seems to happen when i fill the tank. I used to blame leakage thru lid but this cant be it as i didnt drive van anywhere after i filled it tonight and it clearly was not it

thanks in advance

surely it cannot be condensation?!


  • Posts: 189
Re: condensation??
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 10:03:28 pm »
Your system can leak for various reasons. Where the Hose lock connector connects to the tank at the top can leak and will if not already, at some point. It wont seal properly after a while and will secretly drip as its filling leaving water on top of the tank which will slide off as you drive around.
In fact any connector can leak including any Jubilee clips so just tighten them a little and put PTFE take around the Hose lock connectors.

Your Pre-filters can leak if you've changed them and they aren't nice and tight.
The RO unit can drip from the end if its not tightened up properly or its been so cold outside that the water freezes slightly and expands - it will drip as it fills and can be hard to spot unless its a torrent. If it drips, take the end off, pull the end part out, wipe the rubber seal and tube where its seated and put back together nice and tight, no more drip.


  • Posts: 766
Re: condensation??
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2014, 10:09:05 pm »
just to clarify its not any of the fittings to the tank or  di vessels! this is why i was asking the question about the potential of it being condensation and peoples experience of it


Re: condensation??
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 02:57:19 pm »
Do you put your pole back into the van after each job ?
You would be surprized how much water will leak out of the pole hose.
I have a container that I put the end of the pole hose into and there would be a cup
or two of water in it at the end of the day.