I priced the job for HWE, empty 5 bed vicarage....to do 1 large bedroom, large lounge and large dining room and a hallway...I reckoned on 3.5 hours from arrive to depart @ £105 total.
Vacced it to death, sprayed down at 1:10, agitated then sprayed both sides of a bonnet with what was left in sprayer and ran over with bonnet.
It came up lovely before the bonnet and to be fair there wasn't much muck on the bonnet after use although when wrung out the liquid was dirty......this was an average soil carpet with one or two stains which disappeared on agitation.
I and the customer where very pleased with the finish and she loved the smell.....it's been toned down since the last lot I used smell wise and no longer makes you cough.
Would I use it again on domestic??...yes definitely....it's miles quicker than porty and, surprisingly, it looks, feels and smells clean....she was that happy I'm doing her 3 piece next week...she doesn't live at the vicarage she's the church warden.
Time taken...almost exactly 2 hours and that was steady away and messing about with things a bit.......don't know whether to bonnet again or just agitate and leave as your supposed to