Hi all
Thanks for the feedback please keep it coming
I have picked up an old project and it is my plan to give a lot back to the industry this year and need this info to try and help bring some good solutions for the man on the street.
So by giving, you mean selling, or are providing this FOC?
Why do you believe that the national windowcleaners site will work this time when it was doomed to failure before?
I'm not being critical, or having a pop but it's all a bit odd that you want people to give freely their advertising budgets and stratagies, yet, like others wish to remain cloak and dagger on what their project is...
I am uncomfortable about the one way flow of information...
If you want to Email me direct I'll happily discuss our various advertising campaigns
By giving I mean my time and services to assist the guys that want to try and progress further a develop their businesses, there will be a cost involved and that was the reason for this topic, we want the site to be affordable but also deliver quality results and service for the clients, I guess value for money, what we have found from the trial carried out before was that it was very hard to find a one fits all solution, we had people saying £30 a month is to much for the service and some saying I wish to buy 5 areas!
You mention the site was doomed, the site has brought in some 2000 enquiries for work since it went live as a test, guys that bought trial area still have those areas live and are reciving leads still to date,
We had 2 or the guy win jobs or work from the site in excess of £10,000
The product in future will speak for it self I'm sure