its complete crap how it works, ive gt a mate, well hes more an associate, who is diabetic, he works with his dad cash in hand, long 12 hour days, no problems,
if you ask him why he don't work, that's when his ''symptoms'' come into play. he gets ''pains in his legs'' hmmmmmm wasn't you working with your dad all week last week for cash building walls? lmfao
I think the bigger problem really is the government, they are the ones calling the shots and letting pr''cks like this get away with it.
thing that really does my head in, is when he goes onabout getting his license, soon as he gets his license, he can go to a showroom and pick a BRAND new car up, free service,insurance,tax, tyres, and a free upgrade car every 3 years, £200 of his benefits will get taken ever month that pays for all this
I think WTF ive just had to sell my crappy astra cause I cant afford to keep a car and a van on insurance wise ( im a young driver)
Then theres this guy who is on benefits, and is guna be driving round in a brand new Volvo or bmw
takes the mick