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The finance wouldn't be a problem. It'd all be done over the phone and just sign on the dotted line when you get there. You could be in and out in an hour. (I clean car showrooms and chat to the girls in there, who've said as much)As for warranty. A lot of places use a nationwide warranty company. It may be the case that a garage near you is in the scheme and you could be covered...Not trying to push you bud just hope you get the best deal you can, not just the nearest...
james can highly recommend brain who runs this company up the road from you,good quality vans and low mileage
James why don't you go for a dispatch and put 500 tank in it then you can have a two man system in it like you wanted in the last one til you found out the low payload
do many on here use the 16, or 2.0 models despach.