Steve Keen but so did Warren Buffet, who warned Greenspan his policies would lead to disaster..
On all the videos above etc, All very interesting ( Gordon Brown? are you serious?) but does not amount to much, China's growth for the last quarter was ONLY 7%, thats 7 % of their huge economy
but they will look internally for more growth as they have the most consumers in the world and have ignored them in their pursuit for world domination.
The biggest threat to U.S. currently that is not being addressed is the medical insurance industry that is bigger than all other forms of their economy, it is teetering on the brink of collapse due to many factors but in the main the Obesity pandemic, the costs for which are unsustainable.Obama Care will not rectify this, it's too late.
As for evidence in this country its out their right now and the last round of figures released are very encouraging which was reflected by the IMF raising Britain's growth forcasts for the next two years.More people working means more people spending and less burden on welfare, all will benefit including carpet cleaners.It has just taken the Zombies in government a long time to wake up to this fact.
Confidence in inward investment grows as a result as we are seen as a safer bet than elsewhere especially Europe as we are not the faltering Euro Zone, which is why we will not end up like Greece....Germany by the way suppresses wages and needs the other economies to remain weak for its exports, if it traded in Deutchmarks instead of the Euro its exports would collapse due to the value of the currency which would one of the most powerful in the world.
Germany has conquered Europe,,, except for Britain.