I'd be better off if there was only one WFP, no problem.
I need a system that can produce water on demand. (I dont want a system on overnight)
I live in an area that is soft 50-70 ppm, so my first thoughts were DI unit only.
The cost of refilling DI makes it an expensive route, so that makes RO more tempting.
Then were back to producing enough in an hour or so.
Merlin? £300 It can produce enough for half a day quickly, I can refill over dinner where needed.
Still need a polisher. £30 + resin £80
Delivery system?
Trolly? Back pack?
Remember i work from a car for now, but will prob get van at some point, so whatever I get I want to upgrade.
I like the idea of a backpack and a granny trolly, I could get 6 25L water carriers, produce water straight into these, and transfer into backpack as needed. £30
However will trolly system I could carry more water, less filling up. Not as flexable as backpack though.
However, I f I upgrade to van mount a backpack will be handy.
Backpack looks favourite. £300 inc granny trolly
Need 24' to reach job we really need WFP for. Need gooseneck for another comercial job.
Cheapest genuine WFP, (not plastic unger pole) £125
How do you regulate the flow, do you need to regulate as much with Merlin?
Hose? If backpack then dont need too much hose. £40
Have I forgotten anything?
Total £900.00
This is probably only going to be therapy for me, but I would like some thoughts.