Collected this debt yesterday

19th November cleaned this customers house £25 monthly for the second time … nice house with 2 convertible mercs on the drive so not short of a few quid – she was off work unwell and had no money on her so said as she was off to doctors later that day and would go into bank and transfer money over to my account.
Few days pass and no payment working in area so gives it a knock no answer but cars on drive, leaves a reminder slip but few days later still no payment … more knocking more pretending to be out …. Christmas comes and goes still no payment … yesterday was out canvassing and notices loads of cars outside her house so thinks nows my chance as there was a kids party going on.
Had to knock a few times on outer porch door – no answer - opens porch door to knock on front door.
Husband comes to door “yeah” says he
Come to get payment for window cleaning says me
“dunno anything about it I’ll get the missus” Ok says me
“Oh I want a word with you says Mrs Bucket in a very loud, horrible and condescending manner I’m fed up of you cleaning and then expecting me to pay and I don’t even know you’ve been and done them so im gonna cancel you”
If it wasn’t for her trying to look big in front of her posh friends at my expense I wouldn’t have reacted but thought no im gonna give you both barrels
Says to her in a very very loud voice so all her posh friends can listen in – ive never cleaned your windows without you being here EVER … in fact this DEBT im collectiong goes back to the 19th November and you was definitely here cos you were off work ill and YOU PROMISED to put the money into my bank account but you never have EVEN though ive knocked a few times and left slips.
Says Mrs Bucket as she passes me the cash over – you have been back since then
NOPE says me as we never clean if there is outstanding debt as some people cant AFFORD to pay what they owe so our policy is no payee no cleenee
Says Mrs Bucket stammering by now as she knows her ass is getting owned by the oiky window cleaner in front of her posh friends ………. “you have never been back for the money and ....................
Errrm yes I have at least 3 times and all 3 times you have pretended to not to hear the door bell as you didn’t want to pay what you owed probably.
At this point I turned to go and she said don’t forget to take me off your round …. You were off the round in December love.
Normally would just take the money and go but she wanted to look big in front of her friends plus she was making out I was scamming her by making out I was not doing the work