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  • Posts: 7887
Re: Timescale to build a decent round
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2014, 08:29:32 am »
with regular canvassing as you have described and leaflet drops as some days you wont want to canvass then probably about a year to gain 200 quality customers however you do reach a point where work starts to come in by itself like magic - recommendations / people seeing you about.

the best 3 bits of advice I can give you is

1 get signwritten with big "window cleaner" with mobile AND landline number even if its a VOIP line

2 always do summit to grow canvass, leaflet, talk to friends and neighbours etc

3 if you get a non or slow payer NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER do a second clean with an outstanding debt as you prob wont get that payment neither ...... dump em as soon as you get paid none of this dump when replaced with 2...... let them have 3 strikes etc etc  just fook em off there and then and spend the time canvassing as opposed to debt chasing or more cleaning of a crap customers windows ............. a bad customer is not a customer in any way shape or form

good luck with it !!!


  • Posts: 7887
Re: Timescale to build a decent round
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2014, 08:36:23 am »
oh and put money to one side say a fiver every day you are working comes in handy for repair bills on van / car plus winter time

£5 x 20 days a month x 11 months = £1100

James Bulton

Re: Timescale to build a decent round
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2014, 02:58:05 pm »
+1 sound advice from Ian
I have found I am always building my round as people move on to new houses, money problems etc.

James Bulton

Re: Timescale to build a decent round
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2014, 05:42:11 pm »
I have a round quite dominant in one area by leafleting 12 times the first year 6 times the second with a new leaflet each time to keep it fresh as well as door knocking and talking to every one in the area. I am well known as you would think. Yet I still get peeps coming along saying they have been looking for a windy in the area for a few years. I just don`t know what you can do to fill the net and catch them all. I think some folk only sleep at home. It amazes me no end.