Alex. Could you not make an xtreme brush that has a higher density of bristles as an in between the xtreme and SL? I've had to put a SL on last week because of all the bad weather as the xtreme just wasn't up to it, but the SL just feels like a brick in comparison. I think an xtreme with a weight of 200g ish inc socket, jets, tubes and tee piece would be just about right.
I think the market is crying out for this, the extreme brush is too light now and the sill brush is just a little too heavy for me.
If alex could design a sill brush and a heavier extreme with a max of 200grams then it would be a market winner.
He did say he has some new brushes coming out, I fear we have seen one which is the extreme (white bristles and blue nylon)
I am seriously tempted to try and save a bit of weigh of my sill brush, it just a touch too heavy for me.
I think was smithy's window cleaning that modified a sill brush, he carefully cut the bottom rows of bristles off that clean the cull and was left just the bristles that clean the glass. I keep meaning to buy a cill brush and do this myself, I think it would be and excellent brush at cleaning as well as being light.
Yeah smithy tests stuff for Alex, i went into his garage about 6 months ago. Nearly wet my pants, what he hasn't got is nobody's business lol
Spent about an hour asking question after question.
I have a couple of sill brush's so may give it a whizz.
I think Alex should do his brushes with his built in quick loq socket. IE so you can't unsrew it, like a moulded socket.
I want to know why we are using brass jets as well? If he can have plastic fan jets made at 1gram instead of 13grams why aint we got plastic pencil jets!
I feel Alex needs to bring us moooooooor stuff now!!! lol