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  • Posts: 1507
pre filters and di question
« on: January 18, 2014, 11:22:40 am »
as im thinking about going straight through an 11 litre di bottle with my water coming out of tap at 75-80ppm would a couple of prefilters help at all with life of resin as i noticed a couple of 10 inch prefilters dont cost much but not sure how they'd go with helping resin life?


Re: pre filters and di question
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 12:23:25 pm »
as im thinking about going straight through an 11 litre di bottle with my water coming out of tap at 75-80ppm would a couple of prefilters help at all with life of resin as i noticed a couple of 10 inch prefilters dont cost much but not sure how they'd go with helping resin life?

Hey. The prefilters do not lower tds at all. The prefilters only protect the R O membrane from being ruined by the chlorine in the water and other stuff. If you have a tds of 70 you really need to be using r o anyway as you will go through your resin way too quickly.


  • Posts: 333
Re: pre filters and di question
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 12:49:00 pm »
Use two 11 litre vessels,you can allways sell one latter if you want an ro,personally I would just use DI.


  • Posts: 1507
Re: pre filters and di question
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2014, 12:34:13 pm »
hi guys cheers for reply, ive been tol the resin should last around 6 months with my ppm and i'll only be using about 300-400 litres a week as i build my wfp work.
once my tds starts to rise i will add anouther 11 litre after the used one to try and last abit longer.
think i'll leave the prefilters now then untill i get an 4040 ro in the future as at the moment with setting up a van with wfp system on a budget the easiest thing for me is to have two 11 ltr di's set up!