windi i dont understand how the pump works obviously it does. If you have so much water coming from tap how can the pump make more or how does the water keep up with pump.
There is a diffetence between water FLOW and water PRESSURE....
If you have 15litres in a minute as the flow, but its running through 2inch diametre hose, the water doesnt have to work that hard to go through so there is less pressure.
If you have 15litres per minute trying to get through 1/2 inch hose, the water works harder to get through making more pressure.
(Ever put your hose on your out door tap and then put your finger over the outlet to make the water squirt further?same flow from tap, different pressure)
R.O's need an optimum pressure to work (usually 80psi + ) although the 40/40 HF5 membrane is made to work off less pressure.
Booster pumps do as they say on the tin. They boost the pressure going onto the membranes...